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You were shaking violently. Your partner, Charlie, has convince you to tell your dad about you, well, being a lesbian.

What's worse about it:

1) it your birthday.

2) Lucy, Ezra,Gray, Juvia,Gajeel, Laxus etc. where there.

3) you were scared of what your father and everyone else would think of you.

You were upstairs with Charlie, working up the confidence to tell everyone.
"(Name), take a deep breath! There your family, at least your family except for who you are!"

"What do you mean?" You asked. Charlie looked down," I told my mom about us, she didn't like it so she kick me out the house....." She mumbled the last part. "What!? That's not fair, when did this happen?" You argued.

"Last week...." "Why didn't you tell me? I could have given you the spare room or you could sleep in my room." You smiled, making Charlie blush.

And without her knowing you gave her a quick kiss on the lips.
She blushed harder when you pulled away. "Come on, we have a party to go to." You said as you grab her hand and walked down stairs.


The fact that you haven't told him that your lesbian bother Charlie. She really wanted you to tell your dad and everyone else. He's going to find out sooner or later. She timidly walked up to you, which you were talking Erza's and Jellal's daughter ,Marline.

"Um...(N-Name)....." She spoke softly. Charlie was extremely shy round large groups of people.
Yeah sure, she been round them before, but this was different situation. You turned to your girlfriend,"Yeah Charlie...what's wrong?" You asked,placing a hand on her shoulder.

"I need to talk private...."she mumbled softly,tugging on her shirt. "(Name), who's the lost puppy?" Marline asked rudely, making Charlie cower in fear. "Marline, she my friend." You grinned. "Really? She seems more like a pest than a friend." Marline stated coldly, circling Charlie. She yanked on her extremely short teal hair. Charlie gasped in pain and back away from Marline. "Marline! Leave her alone..." You growled lowly, your sharp canines showing.

"Or what?" Marline snarled, pulling Charlie into her chest, slightly suffocating her.
Charlie tried to pull away from her but Marline had a death grip on her. "Aww, what wrong?! Do you want me to take you to the lost n' found?" She cooed teasingly.

That was it. In the speed of light, you smacked Marline in the face.

"I SAID LEAVE MY GIRLFRIEND ALONE!!!" You yelled in pure rage. You pulled Charlie into chest, a growl rumbled in you throat. Everyone stop what were there doing and looked at you and Charlie. "Girlfriend?" Natsu asked, a shocked look in his face.

Once you realized what you said, you blushed ferociously. "I--um.....y-yeah...." You mumbled. "So....Your a lesbian?" Lucy asked, coming up from behind Natsu."Yes. I'm a lesbian.....and I'm proud of it." You said confidently. Natsu had a shadowed draped across his onyx eyes.

"How long...have you been a lesbian?" He asked, walking closer to you."Since high school...." You replied looking into Natsu eyes.It was quite for a minute until Natsu spoke up,"Why....why didn't you tell me sooner?" He grip the both of your hands into his.

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