Nxlys super cool and awsome secret 5th dimenson party

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Like I said in the last chapter I just started school so im probably going to post about one chapter about every other week. Byeee :)

Chapter 13 (Lena Luthor)

I've been to dozens of dinner parties. Before...before my brother went crazy over superman, and killed 2,056 people.

There was a pounding at the bathroom door. The second time in two minutes. "Lena hurry up." I rolled my eyes. Kinda hard to get ready with people screaming through the door. I pulled a strap on my black dress and debated curling my hair. Too much?

I left the bathroom. I felt my foot trip over something. I hit the floor. "Ow." Nobody even noticed I fell. I looked behind me to see what caused the trip. A sledgehammer. Are you kidding me. I've been here 3 hours. 3 hours, and im already trying to remember why I gave up Switzerland.

Note to self practice saying no to Kara.

I sat on my bed watching my comfort show Greys Anatomy. I didnt realize how much time passed until my alarm went off at six thirty. I took out my airpods, and looked around the room. "Why isn't anyone else dressed up."

"Superhero identity confidentiality." I raised a eyebrow at batgirls comment. "We have to wear our costumes everywhere."  Everywhere...do they wash these. I started to head out the door.

"Not yet." I turned my head to Raven. "What," I checked my notes app. "No it says right here dinner party for all new attendes 6:30 Friday." My heart started racing. I dont do miscalculations. Theres no way I messed up on my first day here. Kara galared at Raven. "Thats for the adults. The real party is being held in the fifth dimension." The fifth dimension dont you need a "Theres a imp here," I asked. Kara nodded. "Theres a everything here, so no need to get worked up." I calmed down a little bit. "Could you show me where the library is again."

Being in this room watching Greys Anatomy wasn't going to do me any good. "Ofcourse." I felt the cold air against my skin. If I would've known this school was cold I would've picked a outift with a sweater. I saw two kids up the hall fighting with swords. They got closer and closer until I concluded they did not see us. I mean literally, the kids had blindfold on them. The fight was all over the place how were they doing that. I tried moving to the side. When one of the kids knocked the sword out of the others and sent it flying in my direction. To fast for me to move. I closed my eyes and prepared for a missing ear when I felt two hands around my shoulder. I heard the sword clash with the wall. One of the kids took off there fencing mask and jumped in victory.

This was unbelievable. "Are you ok," Kara asked. I took a step away from Kara and the wall patting down my dress. "Im fine," I wasn't fine. I wanted to scream at those stupid kids who were casually talking like they didn't almost cut off my ear. I wanted to tell Kara that yes she can infact drop me back at my worldclass Switzerland boarding school where I was alone and invisible. I can't even though I really want to. I have to restore the Luthor name. I have to do good. Even if it means being earless.

We walked the rest of the way to the library in silence. I thanked her for the directions. Her eyes looked kinda sad. I hope she didn't take the hallway thing personally. Kara was nice. The nicest anyones been so far. When she left I meantlly kicked myself. I hurt her feeling for no reason. Another note get my attitude in check. I scanned the library shelves. Nothing stuck out to me until I reached the science section. "Cold fusion?" I mumbled to myself. I stretched my arm. Score you cant find a book like this anywhere. I brought the book to a small little corner desk.

I dont know why, but for some reason 3 hours after I first heard about it did it finally actually hit me. "I'm going to a party- in the fifth demension. The fifth freaking demnsion. Shoot, and I've already ruined it with my roomates. I didnt even try to act likeable. This is why ai liked reading and learning. It cleared my head, and made me realize all the stupid things i'd done. Do now think later.

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