Part 19~ A Soldier's Tale

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 Obviously, Rex's book is longer but here are a few accounts from it. Remember, some of these accounts were made years before. Some were recent. They are all kind of mixed up, but Rex just gave them to me, (the author) and said to just slap them on the page.

Entry 24 Captain Rex of the 501st

I've gotten good at writing in this journal pretty much every day. Yes, I've missed a few days but, asides that point. Knight Skywalker has been near the King more lately. NOT to say that I am jealous, no, I'm just, curious. That's all. It's been a good week and Ahsoka has been informing me that she and I will be doing the patrols in the Outer Territories. Speaking of 'Outer Territories', we've had no attacks in the last week and a half. The last attack was with Hondo Ohnaka, the thief and his gang. I scoffed when I wrote his name. Why in the name of the Stars would he try to steal from us? He knows he can't. Perhaps he is bored? I doubt it. Here am I, trying to find an excuse for a man that really should be put in prison. But the King keeps letting him go. Actually, I take back what I said in the last part. Palpatine is not King. As I sit here on a log, horse by my side, the wind is bone chilling, and the sky is grey. Ever since his reign, I can't remember the warmth of the sun or even a clear blue sky. Someone is calling me. That's it for my ramblings.

Entry 26 Captain Rex of the 501st

I didn't write yesterday but I had good reason. I needed time to think over what we did the day before. Turns out, the person who was calling me in my last entry, was Ahsoka. She informed me that Anakin again was to be with the King, and we were to do the patrolling. But this time, she told me that we were to patrol the South side. I did not occur to me that she had a plan. It wasn't till we reached the path, and she told me to follow her that I put the pieces together. Who did I feel about this? Despite expressing my concerns, I was excited and nervous. I really shouldn't have been excited due to the circumstances. We could have been put in prison or worse. So, I guess that is where my nervousness is right on. When we came to Five's campsite, I felt bad for him. My own brother has to live out the elements while I get to be in the castle warm by the fire. I did not feel right. When we saw him, I just felt like giving him a big hug. A brotherly embrace. But given the attitude Fives gave off; I thought best if I didn't. After a rough start to our arrival, he told us many things about the Stars and what they've been telling. Our visit was short for dark was falling. When we left, I felt better that I saw him. But I also felt worse. It's a feeling that is difficult to explain. I've got to retire now.

Account from ARK Jesse of the 501st

It's hard for me to write that I killed my own brothers. Thanks to the Stars, they are all better than they have ever been. As many other accounts have said, some of us were under a spell and I feel like it's a job of mine to try my best to explain how I felt. I think others will write the same but it's good to have different accounts on this topic. I'm not a good writer but I'll do my best. First off, I felt like I had a huge headache all the time. My eyes were bloodshot underneath my helmet. Every fiber of my being was in constant war with what was good and what was wrong. My sleep was restless. I felt like a dead person when I did my so called 'duty'. The spell made me think I was doing the right thing. The "right thing" was wrong. But I could not do anything about it. Like for example, arresting Rex. I was his closest man and what did I do? I complied. This feeling was difficult to shake. There was nothing I could have done about this spell. In the end I ended up dying but by the Star's grace they gave me back my life. I sometimes joke to Rex that he was meant to kill me to get back at me for what I did to him and many others. Actually, it's a bad joke but he gets my meaning. I have bad humor at times and since I worked hard writing this account, I can't erase what I had written, and Fives won't let me use the ink, so I'll leave it at this. Thanks, Rex, for letting me write in your account. Sorry about the ink splotches.

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