Part 9~ Change of Plans

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Most of the knights were sleeping. At least, trying to do so. It was rather difficult finding an area that wasn't occupied or have someone sleep right in your face. Mace, Obi Wan, Anakin and a few others were still awake figuring out how to strike. Ahsoka tried to help too but she found that she wasn't helping at all, so she quietly excused herself and headed for the training room. She then took out her two swords and began to move in a graceful yet fast technique. Her mind was somewhere else. Before she had time to react, one of her swords clashed onto someone else's. Ahsoka turned her head. It was Fives.

" You know, practicing on your own won't help you get better." Was all he said. His face straight. Ahsoka furrowed her brow a fraction.

" Alright, before you say that I sucked the first few minutes of the duel with Echo, and he kicked my shebs, you're right. But I did get the hang of it. I still got it in me." He quickly went on to say.

Ahsoka struck her sword hard against his which caused him to lower his sword by his side. Her expression remained unmoving. He held it by his side. His eyebrows raised. " Shouldn't you be resting?"

" Shouldn't you?" She questioned.

Fives held up his hands, " Easy there. I see why Anakin calls you Snips. What's on your mind?" 

" Everything." Ahsoka answered as she struck her sword with his. Fives blocked it easily.

" Care to elaborate?" He asked giving a quick attack to her left.

" We've lived in this mess for far too long. I want the justice to be done." Ahsoka huffed. She lunged at Fives. He quickly avoided it. " As a knight, we were trained to be Keepers of Peace. But look at us, We're warriors."

Fives expertly hit her left sword in such a way that is flew across the room leaving her with her other sword. " I think we all want that." He said softly. " But remember, the Kingdom of Kamino wouldn't have become part of the Kingdom of Courasant if it weren't' for this war, I wouldn't have meet you, and Anakin, and many more." He walked over and picked up the sword that was thrown across the room. He handed it to her. " If our Kingdom hadn't heeded the plea for reinforcements, we would have been a selfish people. Isolated even."

Ahsoka nodded. " Well, then perhaps some good has come from it. Thank you, Fives." She smiled. Ahsoka placed her swords back in their sheeves. Fives did the same.

" Not a problem Kid." He said beckoning for her to follow him. The walked out of the training room and made their way quietly around the sleeping knights and to the table where the others were quietly discussing the plan.

" What is the verdict?" Fives asked.

" I think we found a way in." Obi Wan answered pointing to the map of the castle lay out. " We all know there is another way to the Throne Room. That is through the lower levels of the castle which are not heavily guarded."

" We also know that the only way into the Kingdom is through the Main Gate. But, from what the Knights of 99 told me, there is another way in. That is, underneath the stone wall. The squad of 99 will be with Me and a few others." Mace added pointing to the map of the Castle of Courasant. " We've decided that we'd go in groups. " Obi Wan, Anakin, Ahsoka, and Fives will be taking the lower levels and engage the King.  While Ki Adi, Yoda, Shaak Ti, Ayla, will be scaling one of the watch towers to open the Main Castle Gate. When they open them, the rest of the knights will come in and join."

" And by then we will have most of the Kings guards up." Anakin added. " But it shouldn't be a problem to deal with them."

" Not bad." Fives said approvingly.

" We'll put this plan into action a few hours after dark. It'll be to our advantage. To be covered by the darkness." Obi Wan said standing up straighter.

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