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*For the actual first part go read it at my Lauren imagine book :)*

The next morning Lauren woke up bright and early to get ready to head to school, Lauren isn't really a morning person but she just couldn't wait to see you again,

You woke up early also to started your morning routine and make breakfast for yourself and your mother,

"Lauren were here!" The girls yelled walking in the Jauregui house "I'm almost ready hang on" Lauren yelled fixing her curls

"Lauren is getting all dolled up for her girl" Dinah smirked biting into her apple "they aren't together yet" Camila took a bit from her banana agreeing with Ally "we don't know that she was giggling the whole time we hanged out yesterday" Dinah added "she got Y/n's number?" Normani asked raising a brow

"Duh they fucked so of course Lo got her number" Dinah answer and before Normani gave Dinah a remark Lauren walked down "what are you all talking about?" Lauren asked when she noticed her friends got quiet

"Are you and Y/n dating?" Dinah asked catching Lauren by surprise "um...uh..why-why you ask?" Lauren stuttered grabbing her bag from the living room couch "just asking...so are you?" Normani added "uh we haven't talked about that" Lauren mumbled and her phone dinged in her pocket, Lauren instantly smiled at the person who texted her

Baby😊🙈- Good morning beautiful I hope I see you this morning before I have to give some new kid a show around the school

Lauren replied back smiling the whole time she texted you back "see she's all smiley, I bet it's Y/n" Ally giggled at Dinah and just grabbed her bag "let's go I don't want to be late" the five walked out the house heading off to school,

Your pov
I pulled up at school grabbing my bag and got out my car and I noticed Ally's car parking up so I just walked up to her car,

"Hey girls" I say soon as the five walked out the car "hey Y/n" I love how cheerful they all are, they can light up anybody's day with just a smile "so your giving some other new kid a school tour" Camila asked while we walked inside the school "yeah I'm the only one the principal trusts to give a good tour of our school" they all gave me that look to continue "the passed students that had to give the new kids a tour of the school just joked around and skipped class I was the only one that didn't joke around and then go to class after the tour so they just kept me as the tour guide and the principal just sends me a text saying how many new kids I have to show around" they all looked surprised and they must have more questions but they just nodded

"That's cool but don't you get annoyed" Lauren asked "sometimes, cause I get behind with work because of showing kids around" "that must be a bummer" Dinah mumbled when we got to their lockers

"Yeah but I can't do anything about it" "at least your really sweet to people" Lauren says grabbing a hold of my hand I felt a million butterflies flying around my stomach Lauren is the only one that makes me feel this way,

"Yeah maybe a little too sweet" Dinah whispering making everyone laugh "Dinah!" Lauren yelled "what?" Dinah giggled going back to her locker

"So who are you showing around?" Lauren asked me pulling me away from her friends "umm its...uhh...damn it I forgot...oh yeah a girl" Lauren looked a little uncomfortable when I said it was a girl does she think I'm going to pull a move on the girl or the girl on me like she did..

"Oh um..okay cool" Lauren mumbled not looking at me anymore "let's take Y/n to the office to meet this new kid" Normani says walking over to Lauren and I "good idea" Ally cheerfully smiles over to us,

We got to the office and I see the new girl sitting were the girls were sitting yesterday

"Hi new kid" the girl looked up at me with the most beautiful hazel eyes "hi um are you all showing me and my sister around?" The girl asked standing up and holy shit she looked like a Live living model "no we're not, only Y/n" Ally says sweetly standing beside me

"Your sister? They told me I'm only showing you around" I say looking around for the other girl "oh um yeah my sister decided to join me today she was going to start next week" I nodded taking my hand out "well I'm Y/n Y/l/n I'll be your school tour guide and these are other new kids they started yesterday" she gave them a shy smile and a little wave

"They are Dinah Jane, Normani Kordei, Ally Brooke, Camila Cabello and Lauren Jauregui" i introduce each girl pointing at each one "hi I'm Kylie Jenner my sister should be here I left early to see the school before class" she shyly announced giggling, I couldn't help my smile she has a beautiful giggle

"That's cool Camila wanted to do that too but we made her wait for all of us" Normani says causing the shy girl to giggle again I felt Lauren's hand go into mine I looked over at her and she gave me a small smile

"I'm here sorry I'm late" I turned back face front seeing a girl similar to Kylie but a bet older and taller she looked like a model too damn, "are you all showing us?" The sister asked raising a brow I was going to speak up but Kylie beat me to it "no only Y/n" she says pointing at me "hi Kylie sister these are the other new kids and also my friends by the way"

I introduced her to the girls she introduced her self and all that good nice stuff we talked a little and we found out Kylie is younger so of course she has most classes with Camila and Dinah while Kendall is older and has 2 or 3 classes with Ally and the rest with Lauren, Normani and I

"First I'll show you two to your lockers then we will start the tour" both nodded with a simple cool okay "so I guess I'll see you five in class" I say facing the fab 5 that I call them they always look so perfect what the heck why do they even like me? I usually look like a old potato next to them

"For sure tour guide" Camila joked giving me a hug "see you later loser" Dinah gave me a hug too then Normani and Ally and lastly Lauren,

I hugged Lauren tightly i just love having her in my arms her hugs are amazing she makes the hug feel so lovely it's like those I miss you and love you so much hugs

"See you third period" I nodded and I was surprised when Lauren kissed me on the lips, she pulled away rubbing the lipstick off my lip she giggled at how stunned I was, but who wouldn't be the most gorgeous girl just kissed you,

We been texting and flirting a lot but I just thought she wanted me as her sex pet or whatever but I don't mind one bit if I am her sex buddy but I'm just surprised does she like me?

"So green eyes and you a thing" I hear Kendall ask with a smirk on her face "what? Come on let's go find your lockers" the two giggled and followed me to their lockers

A/n: I have no idea where this fic is going...

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