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>next morning<
Lauren's pov
I open up my locker to get my first class notebook

"Hi Lauren" I turn around and see Zayn I sighed crossing my arms, I'm not trying to be rude or anything it's just I'm sick of all these guys trying to get with me, I don't want to ruin what I have with Y/n I can't lose her again

"Hi Zayn" he pulled something out from his back and it was a Bouquet of roses what the fuck am I going to do with that....I'll just not accept it

"These are for you" he says smiling nervously didn't he get the hint I was taken when I told him?

"Zayn I'm with someone remember" he nodded still holding his smile "I know but can't I give a beautiful girl flowers" I went to grab them but I stopped myself

If I take them he's going to think I like him and then he's going to try something then bye bye Y/n all over again

"I can't take them Zayn why don't you give them to a girl who's single and not happily taken" he put the flowers down and his smile fell "I'm sorry Zayn, I'm with someone and that someone makes me very happy, I don't want to ruin what we have right now" he nodded holding the roses "okay, um I'm sorry, I don't know what I was thinking" he chuckled looking back at me "but can you take them, it won't feel right to give them to a random girl if I bought them for you" I sighed grabbing the roses "I have to go" I say he nodded and was going to say something but walked away

"What the fuck am I going to do with you" I say to the flowers I grabbed my notebook and put the flowers in my locker gash I hope Y/n is here I need to see her

Your pov,
No new kids today thank god I am not in the mood to show the school around today...matter fact I'm not feeling not good either why did I even come to school?

"Baby" oh right Lauren's here and I brought her a gift maybe that makes me feel better

I turned around and Lauren attacked me with a hug "hey baby" I wrapped my arms around her kissing her head leaning against the lockers "are you feeling okay?" She asked smoothing my cheeks I nodded with a lazy smile "yeah I was feeling a little under the weather this morning but I'll be fine" she frowned kissing my cheek "if you weren't feeling well you should've stayed home"

I smiled again grabbing a hold of her hands giving them a squeeze "yeah but then I wouldn't see you're beautiful face" she started blushing hard looking away from me "enough about me how are you this morning" I asked pulling her against me

"I'm great, I had breakfast with the girls and now I'm here with you" I smiled letting her go

"I got you something" she raised a brow but smiled "you did, what?"

I turn back to my locker and take out the little gift bag "here look" she smiled grabbing the bag she opened it and gasp "a Nala teddy" she pouted smiling "yay you like it" I chuckled she hugged Nala and wrapped her free hand around my waist and she kissed my cheek mumbling I wike you against my cheek

I kissed her cheek back

"I wike you too" I hear her adorable giggle that just cause butterflies to appear in my stomach


Fuck the bell I grab a hold of her hand and kiss her forehead "let's go to class" she nodded cuddling her teddy Nala

•4 period•
Lauren's pov
"Aw!!! My baby Y/n got you a teddy Nala" Dinah yelled grabbing my Nala "she's so cute" Camila smiled holding Nala next I bit my bottom lip nodding "can I have a Y/n please, cause the girl is looking like a zombie cause she's sick but she still came to school just to give you a gift" Kendall says hugging me I giggled but pouted

Kendall's right Y/n isn't feeling so well she said her eyes were burning and all the noise was causing her a headache she couldn't even open her eyes as much cause the lights burn her site but she keeps telling me she's fine

"You should tell her to head home Lo" Kylie says with a sad smile "yeah Louis told me she slept for 1st and second period" Ally added

"She won't I told her already" I mumbled leaning against Kendall's and Kylie's locker "hey girls" we turn and see Louis and Niall

"Hey" we all say "Lauren have you seen Y/n?" I shook my head "no, why?" "Uh Liam told us she ran out last class and she hasn't come back to get her books he has them he's looking for her" I looked at girls and they had a worried look "I need to find here" I grab my Nala and head to her locker maybe she's there to get her bag

Please be okay Y/n

Your pov,
"Ow" I mumbled holding my stomach I leaned against the bathroom wall looking up at the person who pushed me in here but I looked away the light is hurts "why are you trying to beat me up while I'm half heathy" I coughed "because you won't fight back" he smirked crossing his arms I bet

"You aren't achieving anything by doing this" I put my hands to hold my head that was booming from the headache I should've listen to Lauren when she told me to go home

"Luke this isn't right she's right she's like half awake during this beating it isn't right, she should be home" Calum helped me up which I'm surprise he's usually doesn't do anything that Luke doesn't asks him to do

"Ahh" I groan feeling tears in my eyes I'm not crying because I'm getting beat I just can't stand this headache and why are they yelling?

Why the fuck did I have to be SICK!?!!

"Luke stop you just busted her lip and she's...she's crying" I slid down holding my head then I hear the bathroom doors open and I hear her voice

"Baby, what the fuck did you do" I feel Lauren's arms go around me i turn my head onto her chest letting the tears fall

Stop headache go away!

"How could you hit her!" I hear Dinah and next Kendall "damn you went to far Luke" I hear hell of yelling and hear Lauren smooth husky voice whispering in my ear but everything started to fade the last thing I hear is Lauren calling out to me

"Y/n, Y/n"

A/n: I hate when I get migraines that shizz is annoying and it hurts like a bitch

Sorry for mistakes :|

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