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*sorry for mistakes didn't proofread*

No ones pov,
"Hey Kylie how was class?" Y/n was keeping an eye on all the new kids today she decided why not make sure their day is going good "hey Y/n it was great Camila was in there so it was nice having someone to talk to" you nodded seeing her sister coming up "lucky you, I was alone with annoying ass guys and stacked up girls" Kendall leaned against the lockers annoyed that her first class didn't go as she wanted

"Don't worry you'll get used to it soon" Kendall groaned leaning off the lockers "how was your class Y/n?" Y/n turned bright red she should've been but she was with a certain emerald eyed beauty

~45 minutes ago~

"Lauren...I..fuck..have class...you know" Y/n groan gripping onto Lauren's hair and desk

Y/n was going to meet with the girls for a few minutes before she had to head to class

"Hey guess what I have a free class today" Lauren says cheerful wrapping her arms around your waist "really what are you going to do with your free class?" You asked smiling down at the raven head "I have an idea" Lauren smirked and you knew she had something up in her cute smart head

Lauren pulled away with a pop smirking at herself "want me to stop?" Lauren asked sitting up on her knees placing her hand on your hard on dick stroking in a slow teasing pace "no..don't stop"

~end of flashback!~

"You dirty little horny hoe" Kendall laughed along with her sister Kylie "fuck you two I wasn't the one that was horny" the sisters laughed harder causing you to join in at how adorably addicting their laugh is to not join

"What you three laughing about?" The five girls walked up to the laughing three smiling and giggling at how loud they were laughing "oh nothing" Kendall added giggling lightly "I'll see you six later I have to head to my locker come on Kyls" "bye" they both walked away leaving the six

Lauren's pov

Kylie and Kendall left and I turned to Y/n and she was smiling really big she only smiles like that around me..or the others girls, I know Y/n and I aren't a thing but I don't want anyone taking her away from me I don't think Kylie and Kendall are gay but I think but that won't stop them would it?

"You seem to be getting comfortable with the Jenner's really quickly" Camila says I looked back to Y/n and she just nodded "yeah their funny" I felt the other girls eyes on me i just pulled on a strong face

"So what classes do you all have?" Y/n asked grabbing my hand pulling me over to her "um... Geography" Normani mumbles

Y/n wrapped her arms around my waist from behind keeping me close she kissed my cheek, I'm really fighting myself not to smile "oh I have geography also what about you Lauren?" She asked cuddling her face in my neck doesn't she see I'm angry with her right now

"Yeah me three" i spoke keeping the anger out my voice but I guess I failed

Your pov
I noticed Lauren was looking pretty pissed off so I just pulled her against my front and hugged her tightly I kissed her cheek to see if I would get a smile from her but I didn't so when Normani said she had geography next I knew I did and so does Lauren, I cuddled my face in her neck placing a light kiss

"Yeah me three" okay so she is pissed at me what did I do?

The bell ringed so we all started walking to class I didn't let go of Lauren though I kept her in my arms until we got to class

"Hey Lo are you okay?" I asked grabbing her fingers her hands were on top of mine "fine" she mumbled she's lying, I stopped us from moving any more and I get of her turning her to face me,

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