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Your pov,
I started to wake up by the sound of a door shutting I placed my hands on my eyes groaning my head is still killing me

"Y/n" it's Lauren I feel her place her hand on my forehead "you're burning" I removed my hands but covered my mouth when I coughed "ow" I mumbled holding my right side

"I'm so sorry" I open my eyes looking over to Lauren she was biting her bottom lip with red puffy eyes "there's nothing you should apologize for babe" she nodded taking a shake breathe

"Yes I do, I left you alone knowing you weren't feeling well this is my...fault" her voice cracked 

I sat up ignoring the pain I was feeling and pulled Lauren into my arms "no it's not, baby you didn't know this was going to happen" i held her tightly smoothing her back

Liam's pov,
"I'm going to kill Luke" Louis groan balling up his hands "Louis chill for a sec"

"No I'm not going to chill!" Louis yelled

I stood up stopping his pacing "stop people are looking at us, we are still in the hospital" he took a deep breath and nodded

"Lauren's back" Kendall says and everyone stood up "how is she, is she up?" Camila asked Lauren smiled nodding "she's fine and she said you guys can go in" Louis basically ran to the room before anyone of us

"We could?" Lauren nodded "well let's go" "uh I'm going to go get Y/n something to eat she's hungry"

"I'll go with" Dinah yelled we all nodded and started walking to Y/n's room

"Hey Y/n" Kendall whispered walking up to Y/n she smiled hugging Kendall back "hey guys what's up" we all got in line to hug Y/n

Lauren's pov,
"So is Y/n feeling a little better" I hear Dinah ask I look over to her and shook my head

"No her headache is still there and of course her body aches for the beating she took"

She nodded and we continue our walk to the cafeteria

"Lauren, don't worry Luke isn't going to get away with this easily he hurt one of us and we are not letting that little bitch walk"

Dinah wrapped her arm around my shoulder pulling me into her arms i sighed griping onto her t-shirt and nodding

Luke's pov,
"Luke I told you this was going to be bad she's in the hospital you idiot" Calum yelled shutting my front door

"And? Oh we're the bad guys for sending her to the hospital what about the people she send to the hospital huh?"

"They weren't sick and she beat them up for a reason we did it for a stupid reason for a fucking girl who will never and I repeat NEVER. EVER. love. you"

I turned around and my hands in a fist

"What you're gonna to hit me huh?" He moved closer to me pushing me "go on Luke hit me" he pushed me harder causing me to hit the wall

"Calum stop!" "Hit me Luke! If you can hit a girl then hit m-" I cut him off by my fist coming contact to his jaw

He groan moving back and holding his jaw "you ask for it, didn't you" I walked pass him to the kitchen to get something for his face

"Don't you feel sorry for what you did to Y/n" I hear Calum at least he calm down with this stupid pettiness for that girl

"No why would I? That's what she deserves" he shook his head placing the ice bag on his jaw

"Ahh no it's not, no one deserves that we could've really hurt her"

I rolled my eyes drinking some of my water

"Get over it"

•two days later•

Your pov,
"Lauren" I chuckled pushing Lauren slightly off me "noo, cuddle with me" I turned to face Lauren wrapping my arm around her waist

Lauren wrapped her arms and legs around me kissing up my neck

"You should be in school babe" Lauren giggled picking her head up

"I'm sick remember" Lauren faked a cough kissing my cheek

"Right someone call the doctor" she rolled her eyes playfully with her adorable smile

"Knock knock bitches" my bed room door flys open and in comes The boys and the girls

"Did we interrupt something" Louis smirked crossing his arms

Lauren sat up with me following along

"No" "yes" Lauren and I looked at each other and laughed

"No you weren't interrupting anything" I say pulling Lauren closer

"Alright well are you feeling better" I nodded to answer Kylie's question

"Let's go out its Friday were going to be out all day and all night" Harry says wrapping his arm around Liam

"Where are we even going?" Lauren asked

She looked over to me staring at me for a few then smiled I chuckled pecking her lips

"Stop being cute for a second geez" Dinah yelled everyone in my room laughed

"We were thinking how about we go to eat then a movie and later at night go out to the club or something"

I nodded "cool sounds like fun what time we starting this what ever were hanging out for"

They all looked at each and started discussing

I look over at Lauren and she was playing with my fingers

"Netflix and chill later" I smirked Lauren looked at me laughing

She pushed me away I chuckled wrapping my arms around her

A/n: sorry for not updating I'll try to update more often

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