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~A month later~

Your pov,
"Hey I'm Y/n" I took my hand out and shook the new guys hand "what's up I'm Zayn Malik" I nodded shaking his hand "alright well i usually show the new kids to their lockers first so let's get your locker number and we will start" he nodded with a smile,

It's been a month since my brake up with Lauren I guess I been ignoring her at most we have small talk like real small talk but I guess I still cant get over what happen with Luke, he is still up her ass which Lauren just ignores him but lately it seems she's starting to soft up to him again which I'm not so happy about I know I shouldn't be mad I'm the one pushing her away but I don't want to see her with him

"Well it seems your locker is right in between my friends Niall and um..Lauren's locker come on" he nodded swinging his bag over his shoulder

We got to the lockers and guess who was there..your right Lauren she turned and face the both of us she smiled waving at me "um Zayn this is Lauren...um my friend" Lauren shifted to her left leg and bit her bottom lip smiling lightly "yeah hey" Lauren says shaking Zayn's hand

"Hello love, you have beautiful eyes" Zayn smirked I rolled my eyes pushing him slightly "your locker is this one Niall is the one on the left and Lauren of course is the one on the right put your stuff in so we can start" I could feel Lauren's eyes on me I couldn't help it Zayn was flirting with her

"Alright cool" Zayn start putting his things in and I just stood their awkwardly I never hated a new kid before but now I do Zayn kept staring at Lauren smirking it's annoying me "hey Lauren" I turn on my heels and she looked at me with her adorable puppy eyes "why aren't you with the rest of the girls" she looked at me confused and chuckled lightly "I can't come to my locker alone?" I shook my hand folding my arms "no it's just you usually have Camila or Ally with you"

"Maybe they were busy" "sorry to interrupt but I'm done" I hear Zayn I just stared at Lauren a little longer, I looked over her outfit and she did the same to me and to be honest you could totally feel the sexual tension between the two of us, it's so weird how we could go from saying one word to wanna rip each other's close off this happens a lot when we're alone or the groups makes a comment and we lock eyes

"Alright let's go" I back away slightly and Lauren just turned back to her locker "bye beautiful" Zayn says Lauren just waved not turning around "what's up with you two are you guys like enemies with benefits or something" I just laughed shaking my head I am not telling a new kid my business

{Lunch period}
"Alright new kid I showed you the school you met some of my friends and this is where I leave you so have fun and welcome to our high school" he nodded I was about to walk away when I stopped on my track at his question

"Hey do you know if Lauren is single and has this lunch period" I turn and just smiled "nope sorry we aren't that close" he frown slightly and nodded "cool alright see ya"

"Funny I thought you and Lauren were tight" I hear Kylie the Jenners has been helping me get over Lauren a little but it doesn't help "yeah that was before where's your sister" "right here" Kendall jumped on my back kissing my cheek "hey older Jenner" "missed me hot stuff" I chuckled walking to the cafeteria "no I was just asking like a good best friend should" "sureeee"

Luke's pov
"Yo Luke you should've seen this sexual tension Y/n and Lauren just had" Calum laughed why is this funny Y/n is trying to take Lauren away from me now that she's comfortable with me again

"Why is that funny idiot Y/n is trying to take my girl again" he stopped laughing and crossed his arms "she's not your girl anyways" I sucked my teeth and hit his shoulder "ow! Okay I'm sorry it was funny cause you have new competition this new kid Zayn Malik he has the hots for Lauren" are you fucking serious "what?" "Yeah he's new he got a British accent, does not get along with Y/n for shit" well at least he isn't buddy, buddy with Y/n

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