𝟒 . 📖

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Once I got back to my dorm I saw uliana waiting for me , she says "where were you??" I replied in a yelling tone with "WELL YOU LEFT ME WITH HADES AND I GOT IN FUCKING TROUBLE ,NOW I HAVE DETENTION.." "wait so let me get this straight you basically got detention WITH HADES HOW?" Uliana said, I said back " GIRL THE PRINCIPAL SAW US .." "oh my, well I guess I'm sorry" YOU GUESS?" I replied back.

I ran over to my diary and I wrote ...

"Today was the worst day ever and somewhat best , I had a good time with hades BUT the principal had to come and ruin it . And I think I have a crush on hades I don't know how to tell ANYONE even uliana and *+* we just met , I can't believe I'm in love last time I was in love and trusted them was enough (if you guys want lore about that let me know ;3) I been hurt to much when I love someone ."

Once I was done I wanted to open up my feelings to uliana but didn't know how, But I had to go with the flow and tell her , so I jumped on my bed and said "uliana I have to tell you something..I think I have a crush on hades" she gasps as I roll my eyes "YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON HIM???" She replied with , I told her "I don't know we just met a couple weeks ago but..." oh my goodness I'm more focused on YOU MALEFICENT having a crush...?? She says ..


After Maleficent's and Hades classes they had to go to detention .

"hi hades„ maleficent said , "heyy mali" maleficent blushes because no one have ever called her that "anyways i hate detention" hades agreed.
Once they got there they saw-

to be continued...

𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐦𝐞 ... [ 𝐡𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐬 𝐱 𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐭 ]Where stories live. Discover now