^Charcter Ask^

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[sorry for lack of updates, pls don't kill me!]

Hi there!!

i am back yO. i was originally gonna delete this Fr, but there was so many demands for updates i couldn't let yall down ((:

So to get back into it, Character asks are always fun, and i think I've introduced enough characters to have you guys wondering some things :)

Here's the characters to ask some questions, I'll post their answers asap;







Shawn (Michael's boyfriend)

Zandra (Michaels little sister)

Hannah (Mikeys best friend)

Anthony (sick boy that Calum visited)

Kayla (popular girl that wants Mikey to be her gbf)

Emma (4stf's stylist/manager)

Destiny (the author, mee!)

Any other characters i forgot???

Any letter requests??

ily all, ask away!

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