"...." : Speech
[.....] : Thought
Have you ever heard about the banana ice-cream scoops..?
Starting with a hot-dog bread where you place a banana, which you cut its insides in a long and steady horizontal cut before you add a series of ice-cream scoops of whatever flavor you would like to have. Sometimes you add syrup, or if you are feeling bold some spicy sauce along with it.
A mad lad of a bearded man with a hard on for killing capes would call it diabolical, but its nothing more than a peculiar choice of food for a hot day. Better than eating bats anyway..
Also it can be used if you are too tired to say the "Three strikes" method of things been too fishy, leaving you the chance to use a far more pleasing and elaborate graphic explanation of how fictional characters were piling mistakes after mistakes before they broke the camels back and it bit them in the ass.
Hmm...those E rated cheap slayer movies were a good example of those if she thought about it. Yeah, those were the times.
Anyway, what does this have to do with anything you say? Well....it seems that R.O.B was making its own banana ice-cream scoop of her own compilation of blunders since the moment she opened up her lips.
Like..really? "Oh....is that you Neuvillete...? Whatss-up...?" was the best she could come up with...?
Why on earth she had thought that idea was remotely good?
Like...who did she think she was..? Miles Morales..? She was certainly lacking more than on the tight spandex if that was the case...or had that been a Scary movie reference? It was hard to tell with these timelines...
No.., that had not been it.
The truth was that she had not been thinking at all from the very start. Not the right way at least, though given the context of things....was rather understandable.
Hmm...? Eh....? You don't get what is the problem? How? What part of the explanation you didnt get..? Ok, fine...lets fine other words to get the point across since it feels that she was getting nowhere with this.
She had a fucking bump in her skull god dammit...!
Another one to add to the one already present at the back of her head no less. And in such small spam of time from one another too.
Urgh, what were the odds? No, she would rather not know..., better that way than be given another reason to be miserable over than the pain already beating inside the blunted bone structure like a new organ about to burst.
Also, had she said already that part of her nose was crushed in the process?
Yeah, that was a thing...which had also been the origin of that warm, yet metallic brush of liquid sliding down her skin into her lips. Yeah, not a good way to end the day let alone start a conversation with the FUCKING Ludex Neuvillete.
She closed her eyes, sighing to herself for a moment as she felt the entire weight of this mess crush her weary shoulders.
With an inward groan she sighed, the migraine of the pain coursing through her skull dimmed down enough to let her think without wailing like a ghost, yet still painful enough to make her feel dizzy. It was hell on earth just to stay put and pretend she was fine
How NOT to be a mother in a doomed story (Oc story)
General Fiction[AU] What happens when one simple overworked goofball of a girl from our world its tossed into a magical world of gods and legends? Chaos. What happens when she wears the skin of one of the worst individuals to ever live and its forced to go through...