Memes 🙂🔪

133 6 8

TDL: i like writing on walls fuck you society -The Dark Lord

TCO: dark this is actually a door not a wall -Regards, Society

TSC: follow your dreams ^^

Mushy: I literally only have nightmares

TFO: Question everything

White:...why ??

UNA: what's between the difference of a hippo and a zippo ??

UNA: one's really heavy and one is very lighter

UNA: ha ha ha ha haaaaaa-


Mushy: X_X

UNA: oh my god she's dying call 911

Ballista: alright what's the number ?!

Mushy: really n****-

TDL, TCO: one two three four, I declare a thumb war, five six seven eight,

TDL: I use this hand to master*****-

TCO: wait wait wait what-

TDL: what..? *holds his hand tighter while grinning smugly*

TCO: no..No No NO NO 😰

*TCO struggles to get out of TDL's grip*

Agent: this video was sponsored by Vaseline *looks at the background and looks away in 1.0 second repeating*


EVERYONE: *flops*

Red: hey do you know where the paper towels ??

Blue: yeah they right over there *points up*

*Red makes it top of the cabinet to grab the paper towel than slips off*

Ok I'm lazy to continue 😔

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