New person :3 👅⚰️

117 4 19

*(The_Forgotton_One) has added *(The_Favorite_Cookies) Cookieminh2404 to the group*

Primal: how much people are we gonna have-

Ballista: 🤷‍♀️

Pink: this is like the 20th person in here 😃

Agent: huh-

Cookies: YAY IM IN THE GC !! 🙌🙌

TFO: 😋

Mushy: told you if you read her stories you will get added 😛

Cookies: and I thought this was a joke

Kool: I forgot about this gc

White: HELP 💀


UNA: 🥱 sup new person

LUNA: so is that the last person ??

TFO: no :3

Agent: well damn-

Hazard: this gc finna reach the limits-

Pink: yeah

Purple: M.T and Navy did the boombayah 😢


Pink: REAL 😢

M.T: why tell secrets ??

Navy: yeah 🙂

Mushy: dang imagine-

*(The_Purple_Horn) was disconnected from the gc*

Primal: oh

Agent: 😦

Ballista: bro got disconnected

White: her Wi-Fi smth else

Cookies: she needs a new one cause that one is beating her up rn-

Mushy: real

Zzz: your back

UNA: that Wi-Fi must hate you huh

Mushy: yes skibidi 😢

Cookies: guys I accidentally left my oven on at home ;——;

Blue: DAMN 😨

Yellow: rip house

White: we got another ballista on our hands 😰

Cookies: HEHE 👹

Kool: I eat fire

UNA: how the fuck-

TFO: see guys she's normal she won't kill no one...I hope ;—;

Cookies: don't worry...🧚‍♀️

Red: FAIRY 😯

Cookies: Yes 🙌😋

LUNA: I'm going to bed bye

*(The_Bright_Moon) has left the gc*

Cookies: bye minors

*(The_Favorite_Cookies) has left the gc*

TFO: leave and come back??

Mushy: yrah

*they all left the gc*

Srry if it's short or smth but I hope you will like it Cookieminh2404 :3

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