Unwanted Encounter.

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My mind was racing as I stood there, frozen. My eyes locked onto the gleaming blades they held.

The faint light of the sky cast eerie shadows on the knives, making them look even more menacing. The moon hung low, its pale glow lending an otherworldly quality to the scene. The blades glinted with a cold, unforgiving sheen as the shadows danced across their sharp edges. It was as if the air was charged with an ominous energy, heightening the unease that hung heavily in the still night. Even the slightest movement seemed to amplify the sinister spectacle, causing the shadows to shift and writhe like evil spirits. The unsettling display served as a haunting reminder of the dangers that lurked in the darkness, urging caution and wariness in the face of the unknown.

I could feel the cold panic creeping into my veins, I wished I could just disappear into thin air...

"Aelia Solas, hm?" the woman said, her tone deceptively casual as she stepped even closer to me, her knife glinting ominously. "That's a pretty name," she smiled almost genuinely.

I swallowed hard, trying to find my voice, as a surge of nervous energy coursed through me. My heart raced as I grappled with my emotions, attempting to steady myself and gather the courage to speak up. The weight of the moment hung heavily in the air, and I could feel the eyes of those around me fixed upon me, waiting for my response. With a deep breath, I pushed past the lump in my throat, determined to express myself despite the overwhelming sense of trepidation. Each second felt like an eternity as I struggled to form the words that would convey the depth of my emotions. Finally, summoning all my inner strength, I broke the silence and spoke, my voice quivering but resolute.

"Wh... What do you want with me?" I stammered, trying to keep my voice as steady as possible.

The woman hummed amusedly, pretending to think for a second as she spoke, her voice casual as her piercing blue eyes shone in the moonlight, adding an even more eery look to her. "What do we want, eh?" she asked almost sarcastically, I knew she was most likely joking, but I couldn't help but really wonder,

What do they want from me?

She exchanged glances with her companions, who were as formidable as their blades. It was as if they were engaged in a silent conversation, their eyes conveying unspoken understanding and a shared sense of purpose. In those fleeting moments of connection, each member of the group communicated their readiness and determination without a single word being spoken. The anticipation hung in the air, adding an electric energy to the already charged atmosphere. The unspoken bond between them was palpable, a testament to their unbreakable unity and the unspoken trust that existed among them.

A man stepped forward—a tall, godly-looking figure with blonde, almost white-ish shoulder-length hair in a 'jellyfish' style and piercing green eyes that glimmered like a serpent's. He put his arm around the woman. "You're in a bit of a predicament, Aelia," he smirked cockily as he spoke in a calm, laidback tone." we are members of an... organization," he said, almost lazily, drawing out the words. "Darkveil, an assassins' guild. As you can see, we specialize in eliminating those who are problems to the realm. And right now, you are a problem,"

I took a shaky breath.


What did assassins want with me..?

My hands trembled violently, as if they had a will of their own, while shivers ran down my spine repeatedly, each one feeling like an icy finger tracing a path along my back. The sensation was overwhelming, causing me to shudder involuntarily as a wave of coldness washed over me again and again.

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