Chapter 3

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The next-more like past-few months were a blur. If we hadn't found those tapes in the safe, we wouldn't know what had happened up until this point. From what I understand, we'd found Alex, found out that Masky was Tim, Alex broke Masky's leg with a cement block, found some orange hooded figure walking around, Alex tried to kill us and some chick named Jessica, and way to much dramatic events to account for. But, that's about everything that's happened up to this point. We had arrived back in Rosswood Park.

Summer had won against Winter and Spring in a tug of war. Though, the heat that relentlessly poured out in sizable waves was exasperating. The flowers bloomed, the kids played outside, beaches opened for swimming, and couples roamed the streets.
'I wish I had a boyfriend...Though, maybe it's better that I don't.' I was sitting in an ice cream parlor, enjoying (Favorite Ice Cream), as if that wasn't obvious.
I usually didn't eat ice cream, but this heat took a lot of energy out of you. Jay had went to meet up with Tim for awhile to see something about locations, he was vague about it. I'd left the hotel to get something to eat, and that's how I wound up getting ice cream. I'd done some light shopping, and had ended up getting about three or four bags of clothes from a thrift store named, 'World's Attic.' It was local and wasn't big like most of the other thrift stores.
The outfit that I was currently wearing was actually from the thrift shop down the road. My outfit consisted of a
'Why does this bug me ?' I angrily thought as I stood up and grabbed my bags. As I walked out of the ice cream parlor, I tossed my ice cream dish into the trash and made my way into the heat.
I felt as if I was acting thirteen again. A little girl, pining for love, not knowing what it actually is, or what it brings with it. That was the difference between me and that thirteen year old girl. I knew what love did to people. I'd experienced it first hand.
Love is an addiction. Once you get a taste of it, you want more. It's coated in sugar and dolled up to look enticing, but after the coating is gone and the lights have died out, it's filled with regret, sorrow, rage, and heart break.
Then, there's the type of love that's just as sweet and beautiful on the inside as it is the out. This love, however, is rare to find. If you do find this love, I advise that you cling to it like a live preserver and you're in the middle of an ocean. This ocean isn't infested with sharks. Instead, it's filled with doubt, jealousy, and other emotions that are unknown to many.
"Shit!" I was snapped out of my thoughts when I ran into the hotel door. I grumbled profanities under my breath as I fished out my key card and swiped it before opening the door and walking.
I kicked the door shut behind me as I tossed my bags onto the small couch in the corner of the room. I opened the fridge/freezer and grabbed a (Favorite drink) and a container of strawberries. I plopped onto my bed as I kicked off my shoes and turned on the TV. I set my drink on the night stand and the strawberries in my lap after crossing my legs Native American style. The TV was currently on Scooby-Doo: Mystery Incorporated (Don't judge. I watch it when I feel down, and because I have younger siblings who LOVE it.) I decided to just watch that, since I wasn't really in the mood to watch anything else, plus, from what I remember, this show was funny and from my previous thoughts, I need some laughs. I laughed along to the corny jokes and fake monsters. The romance between Fred and Daphne was also funny, especially with how oblivious Fred is.
I had nearly devoured the box of strawberries when my phone rang. I checked the caller ID to see that it was Jay. I debated about not answering it and going back to watching Scooby-Doo. In the end I decided to just answer so he wouldn't freak and have a search party out for me.
"Hello ?" I munched on a strawberry as I answered the phone.
"(Y/n)! Where are you ?" Jay sounded worried, which confused, and worried, me.
"I'm at the hotel, why ? Is something wrong ? Are you okay ?" I tensed up, worry pouring into being, my stomach flopping like a fish out of water. The sigh of relief on the other end caused me to feel relieved.
"Yeah, just worried about you after you didn't answer my texts." I blinked, tilting my head slightly.
"You texted me ? Sorry, I was distracted by Scooby-Doo." He laughed at that.
"Scooby-Doo ? The kids show ?" I pouted and whined.
"Shut up! It's cute..." I mumbled, glaring at the wall.
"Isn't that a bit mainstream ?" My eye twitched as I groaned.
"Can't I at least enjoy a kids show ?" Jay, once again, laughed joyfully into the phone.
"Yeah, yeah." This time, we both laughed.
"So, how'd it go with Tim ?" He sighed, causing me to quirk a brow.
"Don't even ask." He grumbled a few other words that I didn't catch, and decided that I'd rather not know.
"Short version is, we're going to meet him somewhere tomorrow and he's going to show us the sights that he was going to show Alex. He still thinks that I'm trying to finish Marble Hornets, so we might as well continue with that idea." He explained, and in the background I could hear the tapping of rain against a car wind shield.
"I don't know about that Jay. I mean, I've got a bad feeling about lying to him." I explained, placing a hand on my stomach where the feeling was coming from.
"Don't worry about it. We'll tell him the truth if he gets further involved." Jay sounded unsure, though I pretended not to notice. I didn't want to dwell on this for to long.
"Okay." I muttered into the receiver.
"I'll be back to the hotel in about thirty minutes. I'm going to pick up some groceries." Jay's voice was laced with static, which was from the poor reception.
"Alright! See you in a bit. Be safe!" I called into the cell phone.
"See you in a bit, don't worry, I will me." With that, we ended the call. I went back to munching on strawberries and watching the children's show, trying to keep my thoughts in line.
'I'm sure everything will turn out fine. Hopefully.' With that thought in mind, I leaned back, into the mountain of fluffy pillows as I continued to eat strawberries and drink, (f/d) while watching Scooby-Doo.

Marble Hearts (Tim/Masky x Reader x Brian/Hoodie)Where stories live. Discover now