Chapter 17

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College was so much better that high school. No dress codes to follow, more freedom, more food (Actually you're broke so you're living off of PB&J), and just not having to deal with annoying siblings. Unfortunately, that meant you had to deal with annoying people.

You, little miss sophomore, worked in a Dunkin' Donuts. You worked after class on weekdays, all day on Saturday, and a partial day on Sunday.

Today was Thursday, so you worked from 1:00 pm until 10:30 pm, which was closing time. So, there you stood, behind the counter wearing a brown apron with the logo on it, white collar shirt, tan skinny jeans, black sketchers(they were slip resistant), and a hat that also had the logo on it. Your name tag was pinned to your apron. It was gold and shiny, reading '(Y/n)' in black, engraved lettering.

It was pretty slow, business usually didn't pick up until around four or five; when people get off work. You were conversing with Ashlyn, the other girl on duty, about the upcoming football game at the college you attended.

You were majoring in Graphic Design (at least you were at the moment, you were considering going for something else.)

The bell on the door dinged, signaling someone (or more than one person) had entered the store.

"Hello, welcome to Dunkin Donuts. What can I get you today ?" Came your cheery voice as you walked over to the register, smiling happily.

You weren't very different now then when you were back then. What happened had changed your view of people and love. Currently, you were more independent than you had been.

The two men standing at the counter were pretty tall, probably around 5'11, maybe 6 foot. One, a light brunet, had brown eyes that were kind. He wore a yellow hoodie, black jeans, and a pair of tennis shoes.

The guy beside him had dark hair (with noticeable side burns), and dark brown eyes. He sported a black coat, blue jeans, and tennis shoes. He looked like he didn't want to be here.

"A large regular coffee, three sugars and one cream." The one with the side burns said. Ashlyn grabbed the appropriate cup and looked over at him with a smile.

"Name please ?"

"Tim." She wrote it down with a sharpie as you entered it into the cash register. Tim paid and stepped off to the side so the other man could order.

"What do you suggest ?" Asked the brunet, eyes flickering from the menu to you.

"Well, I like the Iced Macchiato." Brunet smiled and nodded, pulling his wallet out his pocket.

"I'll take a large Iced Macchiato then." With a nod you punched it into the computer, told him the total, and he paid.

"Name ?" You asked as you pulled out a cup.

"Brian."He winked and you blushed, pulling out the sharpie from your apron and writing Brian on it.

You quickly made his drink for him, slipping your number on the cup (he didn't notice when you handed it to him) and waving as his companion left with him.


The unrelenting, and annoying, beeping of the heart beat monitor awoke the (blonde/brunette/etc) girl from her slumber.

The fluorescent lights temporarily blinded you. You groaned and rubbed your eyes, finding an IV attached to your inner elbow. There wasn't any breathing tubes attached to your body (Thank God) but your ankle was propped up and had been wrapped. An Ice pack was on it, but it wasn't in a cast, so that's good.

"Hi sweetie." A voice greeted, light taps meaning shoes were approaching.

"My name is Frank Dufresne(1) and I'm your doctor." His voice was sweet and happy.

Doctor Dufresne was probably about 5'8 with neat, straight, short blonde hair with bangs swept to the left side of his forehead, and bright blue eyes that sparkled with kindness. When he smiled (which seemed to be always) he had dimples and his eyes would light up.

"I know that your name is (Y/n) (L/n), those two boys have just been beside themselves with worry. You've been sleeping for nearly two days, hon." A small smile cross your face as you flushed light pink.

"Are they here ?" You croaked out, throat still pretty (scratch that, very) sore.

"Don't talk sugar, I'll get you a whiteboard." Doctor Frank flashed you a smile as he stood beside your bed.
"I made them go home to eat, shower, and gather things for you in case you woke up. They haven't left your side since they brought you in here." You smiled widely, feeling loved.

"Now, I'm going to need to look into your mouth so I can take a look at your throat." He said, suddenly professional, as he helped you sit up.

"Say aaahhh~" You opened your mouth and did just that as he looked in with a flashlight.

"We did some tests when you first came in, do you remember that ?" Doctor Dufresne pulled away from your mouth and you shook your head.

"Didn't think you would, you were pretty out of it." Yeah, you remembered from the point of your capture to Tim and Brian saving you from Jay, but that was the extent of your memory.

"But you did some damage to your vocal cords, it's permanent meaning that you are no longer a soprano, sorry darling." The blonde doctor looked at you sympathetically before moving the blanket from your legs. You didn't have time to dwell on your damaged vocal cords before your legs were the center of your attention.

Your legs were wrapped in gauze and medical tape. Doctor Dufresne easily took off the gauze and tape, looking over the cuts and scratches (a few required stitches.) Your arms seemed to be in a similar state; wrapped in gauze and medical tape, with the exception of the IV line.

"I'm going to clean and rewrap them after I look at your ankle, okay." You nodded and he sent a calming smile before gently taking your ankle from the swing it was propped in. He moved it around, causing you to hiss before changing the ice and putting a new pack beside it.

Then he cleaned your scratches on your legs, then you arms, and wrapped them back up with gauze.

"I'll go get you your whiteboard, and some ice cream." You smiled when he winked, filling a few things on the paper on his clipboard before walking out, shoes making tapping noises. The door closed behind him and you relaxed into the pillows behind you, letting your eyes fall shut.

You could hear people speaking out side of the room, but brushed it off as you spaced out.


"Doc!" Tim called as they walked down the corridor where (Y/n)'s room is. Doctor Dufresne had just walked out, shutting the door behind him.

"Hello gentlemen. She's fine, and awake. BUT," He stopped them before they entered the room. Frank felt pretty bad about it, seeing as they looked so relieved to hear she'd woken up.

"Her vocal cords are permanently damaged, so it's going to be hard for her to speak for a few weeks, I'm getting her a white board and some ice cream once we're done speaking. All of her cuts are healing decently, and her ankle is badly sprained so she'll need crutches." The blonde doctor informed the two men.

"Be gentle with her, she's very fragile in this state."

"Will she be able to speak again ?" Brian asked the dreaded question.

"She will, but singing and screaming is out the question. Her voice might be deeper." The two nodded in understanding before Frank Dufresne flashed them a smile.

"Go say hello to her." They nodded, eyes lighting up as they darted into the room.  

Marble Hearts (Tim/Masky x Reader x Brian/Hoodie)Where stories live. Discover now