- chapter 01 -

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"Draco Lucius Malfoy, do you take Isabella as your lawfully wedded wife?" The priest asked. Despite being the centre of attention, which I normally loved. I felt a hole in my heart. "I do." Draco spoke. "Isabella Rossi, do you take Draco as your lawfully wedded husband?" No. I wanted to say.

"Yes, I do." I said, instead. "You may now kiss the bride." I bit my tongue as he said the words, taking a step back. I looked up at Draco, to tell him we didn't have to do it. But be for I could speak. I felt his lips on mine and his arms holding my hips. Cheers erupted from the hall. I put a smile up for everyone, but really, I wanted to punch Malfoy.


That was one month ago. My head hurt even more just thinking back at the dreadful day. My father had contributed with Lucius to buy us a large mansion. There were three rooms. One master bedroom for us to share— we never did. One spare room and one kid's room. It's a waste to keep the children's room, seeing as no one's going to use it.

I sighed, getting up from my bed. I walked out the room to the kitchen where I spotted Draco, sipping on tea. I rolled my eyes at the sight. We were polar opposites. How does one even drink tea? It's absolutely horrendous.

"Good morning." I said, grabbing a mug to make coffee. He looked up at me for second before taking a sip again. He nodded as a response. Is this how British people greet others.

I fought the urge to roll my eyes again as he walked towards the couch, grabbing a newspaper. 'The Daily Prophet' it read. I made myself some coffee before standing in the kitchen as I finished it.

Every morning, he demands me to make him breakfast. Me? I've never boiled water in my 18 years of life, and he expects me to make him breakfast.

I was just happy I could bring Dorothy to this house. "What do you want?" I asked him. He raised a brow, glaring at me. "Excuse me?" He speaks. I paused before responding. "For breakfast, I meant." I say quickly. He stares at me for another moment before flipping a page of his newspaper. "Eggs will do." He said. I rolled my eyes looking down at Dorothy who nodded. "Give me the same." I said to her before walking towards the dining table and sitting facing him.

"It's pathetic, really, that you can't cook." Draco said. I glared at him. "And you can?" I asked. He finally tore his gaze away from the newspaper. "Very well, actually." He responded. "Lies." I say. He stares at me before standing up. "I'm going to the ministry." He says. I fold my arms. "You're not having breakfast?" I mutter. He pauses, looking at me while putting his coat on. "Do you care?" He asked, a small smirk on his lips. I roll my eyes. "No, I do not." I say. "Right." He says.

"I'll be back late." He says, breaking the short silence. "Don't care." I say as Dorothy brings a plate of eggs. He chuckles lightly before leaving the house.

I groan as I hear the door close. "I hate that man." I mutter, my head on my hand.

Suddenly, an owl flies through window. I grab the letter, recognising the owl to be one of my close friend's. Elizabeth.

I look at the letter. "Mrs. Malfoy." I roll my eyes at the name, tearing the letter open. I smiled to see the invite. It was her baby shower. I sighed, happy I was going to get a break away from Draco and meet up with a few of  my friends from Italy.


Draco reached home at around 11 that night. I took a sharp breath walking towards him. He removed his coat, handing it to Dorothy as I placed the letter in front of him. He looked at me before taking the letter and reading through it. His eyebrows furrow slightly. "Who is.. Elizabeth?" He asks. "A friend of mine." I say. He hums, placing the letter down. "Half-blood?" He asks. I sigh, folding my arms.

"Uhm.. muggle-born." I say quickly. His gaze hardens. "But, she's a witch, she has a half-blood husband." I try explaining as he starts walking away, throwing the letter back on the table. "You mean to tell me that she's basically a mudblood?" He states, looking back at me. I clench my jaw. "She's my friend, Draco. You cannot call her that." I say, my voice getting louder. "I don't care, Isabella." He says sternly. "You are not going." He states.

I scoff. "That is not your decision to make!" I yell. His head snaps towards me. "I am going. She's my best friend!" I yell again, drawing closer. "I said what I said, Isabella. I'm not leaving this up for debate." He yells back, looking away. "Why can't I go!? Give me a valid reason!" I shout. "Because she has filthy blood in her roots. I will not let my wife, a Malfoy associate herself with such dirty peasants." He says, glaring at me. "That's not fair. I don't care about blood." I swallow, feeling tears form in my eyes. "I do. And as a Malfoy, you should too." He says.

I shake my head. "I'm going. Try and stop me." I mutter. He rolls his head back in annoyance. "Isabella—" I quickly cut him off. "And fuck you, Draco. You are disgusting! Even after the bloody war, you still cannot seem to get in that stupid head of yours that Muggle-borns are just as equal as us!" I yell. He stares at me, his eyes fuming of frustration. I remain silent breathing heavily.

He walks towards me, grabbing my arms harshly. I purse my lips as pain shoots through my arm. "You will never speak to me in that tone ever again. Or so help me, god, I will do things out of your understanding." He warns, his grip getting tighter as I stare back at him. "And that bloody baby shower? You can forget about it." He speaks again. "Is that clear?" He asks. I remain silent, biting my tongue. "Fucking answer me, Isabella!" He shouts again as I flinch slightly.

I nod my head, looking down. He lets go of my arm, immediately walking up to his room. Once I was sure he'd shut the door, I let the tears flow down my cheeks as I sit on the floor. I try to remain silent, keep my sobs under control— but I couldn't. I can't spend my life like this.

I cry, nuzzling my face in my hands. The tears wouldn't stop streaming down my face. I never wanted to get married. Never, and especially to someone like Draco.

I hate him. I hate him so much.

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