Chapter 4 - John

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So in January, one of my friends named Laura planned a birthday party so she made a group-chat on a messaging app involving everyone that she was going to invite. In the group there was me, Laura, Ivy, John, Elly, Sam and Kassandra. Elly was one very quiet kid that was literally just there, she was never part of any drama that I knew about it. Sam and Kassandra used to be a couple, I mean, not exactly a couple but they acted a lot like one, but somehow they weren't. I don't know some people are just like that, and I respect their decision. Anyways so yeah those were the people in that group-chat, and obviously, we started talking, asking who everyone is since not everyone knew who everyone was, and that helped me to meet John since then we called, and the people that were in the call were me, John and Sam, and we had a blast, but then Sam had to leave so it was just me and John, so then we played some online games and then after we cut we started texting about how much of a blast we had. Then, we started texting more often for the next few days, and then eventually we even met up at school. 

Days passed by, and it was the end of January, and honestly, I felt like I had a bit of feelings for John, until one time I was talking to one person that was considered a "frenemy" to me and John at the same time. This frenemy I had was named Max, I didn't like Max much because he used to hit me and my friends sometimes but then on chat he wasn't all that bad, unless he'd threaten me because I'd pick on him a little because of his obsession he used to have with Judy way back in like, November. I mean, till January he wasn't really obsessed with her anymore, but sometimes I felt like reminding him. Anyways, that day me and Max were talking about Logan for some reason, and he told me about some weird things he probably used to do, and I was disturbed and even more confused on how I liked him, and at the same time, I had a text from John telling me that he liked someone else. Then, I was slightly hurt mentally, and I had no other choice then to talk to Max about it since nobody else was online at that time and I was talking to Max already so I told him about it, and that went horribly wrong. 

So then I had told him about the situation, and he told me that I'd be fine, and at some point he complimented me. At first, I was confused about it, but then I decided to compliment him back to be nice to him. Then, he told me that he stopped liking his crush (which was Kassandra) and he said he liked me instead of her, and I was just sitting on the couch, jaw dropped, thinking what I should do in that situation. But then, I thought to myself about what would happen if I rejected him, and what I pictured was rather violent since he used to hit me, so I decided to accept it and see what happens, and that's where I fucked up completely..

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