Chapter 8

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After they confessed their love,

everything seemed to fall into place


It had been a month since that brilliant

confession, and their love was

blossoming more each day. The

connection between Adele and Elina had

grown deeper, more profound, and

beautifully effortless.

Each day felt like a dream-one where

love was no longer hidden behind words

unspoken. They had found comfort in

one another, a peace that neither had

Known was possible.

Adele's eyes sparkled with a happiness

that Elina had never seen before, and

Elina felt a warmth in her heart she

didn't know existed.

Though they still lived apart, their time

together was filled with laughter and


Every moment shared was treasured.

Elina would often visit Adele and Angelo,

spending weekends that felt like they

were stolen from a perfect world. They

would cook meals together, play games

with Angelo, and share quiet moments

that were only theirs.

Adele had become even more radiant,

her confidence blooming.

She was more assertive, but also more

tender. Elina noticed how Adele's voice

softened when she spoke to her, how her

touches lingered just a little longer.

The way Adele would catch her gaze

across the room, and the soft smile that

would spread on her lips, made Elina's

heart flutter every time.

Angelo was an integral part of their


Every other week, when he was with

Adele, the three of them formed a small,

close-knit family. Angelo adored Elina,

and their bond was growing stronger.

He loved the stories she told him, the

games they played, and the way she

listened to him as if his every word was


He felt safe with her, just as he did with


To outsiders, everything seemed as it

always had been-Adele and Elina, close

friends, each with their own lives.

No one suspected the truth, and that was

just how Elina wanted it.

She didn't want to bring the harsh glare

of the paparazzi into their blissful world.

She knew how ruthless the public eye

could be, and the last thing she wanted

was to cause Adele any struggle.

Their love was like a secret garden,

flourishing quietly behind the walls they

had built around it.

It was something pure, untouched by the

world outside, and that made it even

more precious.

They knew that they would have to be

careful, to protect what they had from

the prying eyes that always seemed to be


But for now, in these moments, nothing

else mattered.

Elina would often lie awake at night,

replaying their moments together in her

mind-Adele's laugh, the warmth of her

embrace, the way she whispered "I love

you" when they were alone.

It was a happiness so profound that it

filled her with a sense of peace she had

never known before.

The future was uncertain, but as long as

they had each other, Elina knew they

could face anything.

Their love was growing stronger, their

bond deeper, and with each passing day,

they were building a life together that

was filled with joy, understanding, and a

love that was undeniable.

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