2- Prowling Fire -2

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A block away from where the others were

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A block away from where the others were. Radium walked down the sidewalks in the dark night, her enhanced night vision helping her navigate. She liked having night strolls, not many monsters came out at this time, just a good quiet, walk.... Or was it? (Insert Vsauce reference, iykyk!). All was peaceful, until she heard something... or maybe... felt something. She felt eyes watching her. She stopped and looked around cautiously.

She looked into an alley and for a brief moment saw something. Though she couldn't tell what it was exactly. Four yellow glowing eyes stared at her, emotionless. From what she could tell, it was kind of short, had a long, sharp horn. large fins ran down its back and an eerie blue light shone from their ends. It had four arms, and in one of their hands.... was a knife, A bloody one to be exact. It was breathing heavily, as if it had been running from something. If she was in another form she would've been able to identify who it was with their scent, but being a Ram didn't have all of the advantages.

It was a tense staredown, But after a moment, the monster did something. It took some wary sniffs, then it stood up tall. Its snarl turning into a sly grin. Though it didn't drop the knife. It slowly walked towards her. Radium stood her ground. It kep approaching until they were almost face to face. Then, she could tell exactly who it was...


Taiga sat in the waiting room, kicking her feet back and forth fearfully. beside her, X'avier, Lumibra, and Jack waited in anticipation. Taiga's anxiety started to spike, she hated being away from her brother for so long, especially when he was heavily injured. Lumibra put a hand on hers, giving her a reassuring smile. "He's going to be okay Taiga". "But what if he isn't? What if this will be the last time I ever see him again!". "No! No, don't say that! Gaia is strong! You are strong! He'll survive! I know it!". Taiga nodded hesitantly, still completely heartbroken. "Y'know" Jack began, giving his staff a spin. "We oughta' find out who did it... After all, we can't just let the monster responsible get away with it!".

X'avier nodded in agreement. "Yeah... But it is strange.... Why in Blaze's room?". "Why in anybody's room?" Zooks said defensively. She hated it when people suspected her brother of bad things. "He wouldn't do that... I know he wouldn't!". "But.... He and Gaia... you know they--". "So!? He would NEVER!" She snarled, crossing her arms and looking away. "Zooks..-". "NO! No discussions! Blame it on someone else!!". Taiga huffed upon hearing her argue with the others, she hated that Zooks was trying to cover for her brother. What if he DID do it? She didn't like him anyway, everything he did, just for his own amusement. She didn't care what happened to him, as long as he was caught.

"Pfft, I wouldn't be surprised, Blaze is a piece of shit anyway..."

Zooks glared at her. "...The fuck did you just say?". Zooks wasn't known for cursing, neither was Taiga, the other three knew something bad would happen if they didn't stop this. "You heard me! He doesn't give two fucks about what happens to anyone else, as long as he gets something out of it, Who knows, maybe he did this low-down shit FOR FUN!?". Zooks was about to get up from her chair, her spiky stalks raising from her head threateningly before X'avier put a paw on her shoulder, sitting her back down, Lumibra did the same to Taiga, who's collar spikes stook out. They both growled at each other, but calmed down after a couple of minutes. But they still had some moments when they had some growling moments. Luckily Lumibra stepped in again.

"Come one girls, There is no need to fight! None at all! Taiga, getting mad at everyone and everything isn't helping Gaia get any better is it? And Zooks, Even if your brother DID or didn't do it, covering for his mistakes and anger isn't helping him at all! So please, just face it! Both of your brothers have problems! With each other even! Who knowns, what if Gaia provoked him? Or what if Blaze actually stabbed him unprovoked! We don't know! So stop assuming things!!!". Lumibra exhaled, calming down. "Now can we please.. just sit in peace....".


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Heres a list of some of the monsters that have been mentioned these past few chapters!


Zooks/Gaddzooks (T-Rex)

Jack/Meebkin (Lizard)

Lumibra/Pentumbra (Axolotl-Lunar Moth)

Taiga/Teeter (Kangaroo)

Blaze/Yooreek (Velociraptor)

Zay/X'rt (Catfish-Dragon)

Toxxin/Oogiddy (Uhh, like a long fluffy dragon, you can find the design on my art book!)

Avia/Auglur (Dragon)

Radium/Flasque (She has other forms with different names and designs, but the one you see here is a Ram!)

Gaia/Taugter (Ardimallo

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