The (not actual) first interaction

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( i do not own the characters.characters belong to DC comics and the creators of LoK)

A cold summer night in the woods is the perfect setting for Zaheer to meditate.He had just finally gotten out of the bustling city where everything and everyone is constantly moving.There were no cars honking,no smog,no people,it was just him and his thoughts,until his meditation was disturbed by twigs snapping in the background.

"Who's there?",Zaheer says frustrated.There was no answer until he saw a purple energy ball flash right past him."Zatanna",he thought.He saw a branch on a tree,snapped it off and used it to defend himself.He thought:"How does she keep on finding me ?!". Then ,at that moment, Zatanna started to speak.

"You know you can't keep on running away from me, especially after what you did to me". Zaheer remembered the last time they were together.He was robbing a shop in a small village and Zatanna tried stopping him, however, knowing what she's capable of ,he used his airbending powers to somehow temporary paralyze her.It seems to him that she's back for revenge.

"I was just trying to take back what belongs to me" Zaheer says, trying to justify what he has done.", "NOTHING YOU CAN SAY OR DO CAN JUSTIFY WHAT YOU DID TO ME!",she shouts ,remembering the three months when she was laying in bed, unable to do anything for herself.For her, it was absolute torture ,because, where she lived, she was used to using her magic to help others around her.

Zaheer ,also remembering when he broke into that shop, hated what he had to do ,but he had to ,as that shop had something that had something that had incredible sentimental value to him.It was a katana blade, crafted from admantanium,carbon ,titanium and seéve, a material that progressively gets stronger the more stress it endures.It was gifted to him from a master of an ancient way of swordfighting, called "Saré".

"So you wanna paralyze me to get revenge?" Zaheer says in a disappointed way."No I do not...I just want you to suffer the same way i did." Zaheer, perplexed at her statement ,then says, "You're so rage filled and revenge oriented ,you lost your sense of logic-"

Before he could continue, Zatanna threw another energy ball, this time at full speed ,which hit him head on.Zaheer ,now angry ,uses his airbending powers to keep her in the air and continues his statement, "... as I was saying, you lost your sense of logic in attempt to try and induce the same sort of suffering that you have endured on me, but I speak out of experience: Revenge is an excuse for people who refuse to forgive others."

Zatanna, consumed by her need for revenge, broke free and attacked him, only for her attack to get dodged.For her, this fight felt like it was a huge risk, because of her fear that he may paralyze her again.However, she was determined to exact her revenge on him and as she was standing ,casting a paralysis spell on him, he uttered:" You've become the very thing you wanted to destroy and if you know you need this, then cast that spell."

Zaheer knew what he said had softened her but to what extent?Then ,as she was about to cast the spell ,she stopped.She knew that this wasn't who she was."Why am I doing this if it won't bring any satisfaction?",she thought.Suddenly, she broke into tears, sobbing like a baby without a mother.Zaheer had gotten his answer.Despite their hatchet,he decides to comfort her,almost as if as he understands the pain that she is going through.

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