Chapter One

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Let's be honest.

Taking a subway, at rush hour, with two suitcases full of everything I have acquired over the last twenty-one years of life, all while juggling a large coffee to give me the energy to survive this battle, is becoming the very worst mistake of my life. 

Second mistake of my life?

Doing this with stairs staring at me knowing that this will be the ultimate showdown between a small-town girl and her two giant suitcases.

I brace myself for my potential doom. 

Not sure how I managed, but I have come to the final step, after having to chug the rest of my beautiful liquid gold so that I don't come out of the Subway station looking like I have been living in the tunnels, with coffee dripping down my shirt, and a rat's nest in my hair. I take a moment to admire the scenery before me, just simply taking it in when a harsh shrill pulls me out of my reverie. 

"Who the hell stops in the middle of a walkway in rush hour?! Move it lady!" 

I turn to see the source of the hysterics and it is none other than someone who most definitely works on Wall Street. How do I figure that? The way they carry themselves of course. Tailored suit, nice and crisp, shiny as fuck shoes, and a briefcase that looks to be worth more than myself. Poor animal was born to become an accessory. Rest in peace crocodile or alligator. 

"Sorry." Is all I say to the dramatic passerby. 

I make my way to my destination and once there, I begin to breathe a little bit easier. This is the first time I have been on my own, well, besides going to college, but who am I kidding? I had the only helicopter parent who only wanted the best for me however, her actions spoke louder than her words. My mother is a hard worker, no doubt about that. Unfortunately, she has had to cater to the wealthy, cleaning and cooking and being put down by the masses of elite which had made her stone cold to those around her, including me. I get it, I really do, but sometimes I just wanted my mother to be a mother. If I fell and skinned by knee, she would simply tell me to buck up and wash the blood off. When I had my first heartbreak, she told me to not dwell on something that I had no control over and to once again buck up and find another fish in the sea. She never wanted me to become a servant like her, so she made damn well sure that I got an education, which I very well did, but I wanted to live the life that I had envisioned for myself, not the one that she was trying to live vicariously through me. Hence why I ran away to the Big Apple and dismissed her attempts into molding me into the person she had always wanted to become. I'm my own person mother. Why can't you understand that?

Speaking of the devil, my phone rings for the 1000th time. 


Here I am, standing outside of the building that has a room that I had seen for rent, calming myself down before meeting said person who will hopefully agree to rent the room to me. They said that their name was Lily and to come on by once I got into the city. I take a couple of deep breaths and find myself ringing her bell. 

"Who is it?" I hear her voice through the intercom system.

"Uh, hi. I'm Azly, the girl who you've been corresponding with about the room for rent." I say.

"Shit. That's right. Just give me a second, I forgot you were coming today. I'll buzz you in just please wait in the hallway. I don't want you thinking I am a 24/7 slob." She says which makes me chuckle. 

"Yea sure no problem but trust me when I say that you are not the only one to have a messy place. You wouldn't believe the insanity of how others live." I say to which she laughs and presses the buzzer to let me in. 

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