21. Yn

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It had been a few months since the assault, I still woke up from nightmares, but I found myself thinking about it less and less. Still a lot more than I'd like to admit, but less. Theo was proud of me, he constantly told me how much he loved me and how much pride he had in me. I got my panic attacks under control, mostly at least, and I could finally live somewhat normally. Today was Theodore's birthday, December 19th. He was still asleep, he usually woke up when I woke up but I was extra careful this time.

I asked Maisy to quickly pick up a cake from hogsmeade, it was Saturday so everything was open. I opened the door quietly and thanked her before she handed me the cake. Maisy and I had made up since what happened with Toby, she felt absolutely awful for not being able to help me but I didn't blame her at all.

I got Theo a coat for his birthday, I was a broke teenager so I obviously didn't have much but I tried. I set the cake down on the coffee table, it wasn't much, just a plain white frosted cake, but it's what I had.

Theodore groaned sleepily in our bed and I smiled as he tried to search for me in his sleep. His arms reached out to pull me closer towards him, but he stirred when I wasn't there. He squinted and looked around the room, "Y/n?" He asked softly. I walked over and grabbed his hand, "Happy birthday!!" I grinned excitedly and pulled him out of bed. His eyebrows knitted together in confusion and he just looked at me.

"That's today?" He asked and looked around. I laughed, "Yes! I got you a cake. Well- Maisy brought it but I paid for it." I rambled excitedly. "Really?" He just stared at me in awe with a soft smile on his face. "Yeah." I hugged his arm and giggled, I was just so happy to be surprising him.

"You got a cake for me?" He was now grinning cheekily. "Sorry, it's not much, I didn't have enough to get a really fancy one." I apologized sheepishly. Theodore shook his head and just wrapped me up in his arms, "Thank you." He whispered. "I got you a gift too." I grinned, I was forcing myself not to jump up and down cause I was just so excited even though it was his birthday.

"For me?" He was absolutely shocked. "You did all this work for me?" He added and looked around with tired eyes. "Why is that so hard to believe?" I laughed softly. "No one's ever done anything like this for me before." He whispered and hugged me even tighter. I shut my eyes and wrapped my arms around his neck

Once we pulled away, I grabbed the box that I had wrapped his new coat in and handed it to him. "You should open it." I grabbed his hand and pulled him over to the couch. He chuckled and sat down and set the box on his lap.

He opened the flaps and his lips parted in shock. He picked up the jacket and stared at it like he had never seen one before. I laughed a bit, just out of nervousness. I was standing there wondering if he liked it or not because he hadn't moved an inch.

"You got this for me?" He asked, barely even a whisper. I nodded, "Of course! Put it on." I ordered excitedly. He stared at me dumbfoundedly for a second before sticking his arms through the sleeves and putting the jacket on. Theodore just smiled softly, "No one's ever gotten me a gift." He said. I frowned slightly, it wasn't surprising, but it still broke my heart. He seemed more happy that someone would do such a gesture for him than for the actual jacket.

"I don't deserve you." He muttered before pulling me in by my waist and kissing my forehead. "Theo, it's really not much." I wasn't even trying to be shy or anything, it wasn't much but I was a just broke teenager.

"What do you wanna do today?" I asked and ran my hands through his hair. I was straddling him with my arms wrapped around his neck and his hands on my hips. We usually cuddled like this, so it wasn't anything unusual. "You've never met the rest of my family, I mean.. it's Christmas break anyway. We could take a train or something." He suggested and stared at me for a moment, "You know what- nevermind." He shook his head.

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