Chapter 2: Heather

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There wasn't much else that happened that I can or even want to recall that day

It took me ages to fall asleep. My dreams were filled with displeasure and turmoil~ (ok, minus the dramatics, it was a pretty rough night). I kept thinking of that purple haired girl, almost in those flashback styles they do in the films. Not to mention the subtle (and I do not mean subtle, that was sarcasm, fyi) appearances of the bloodstained rock. I was sleeping so fitfully that I was even more exhausted when I woke up than I was when I went to bed.

I was totally out of it when I was getting ready for school this morning – put my shirt on backwards and spilt water all over my clothes at breakfast. Hell, I didn't even change into my pyjamas last night, so I was already a bit of a wreck.

By the time I had left the house, all four of my friends were standing by my front gate. Perhaps Hunter walked down to my place – or perhaps they went to get him, at that point I didn't know, and I didn't care I was just so tired.

Cosmo was leaning against the brick wall and was the first to see me walk down my drive.

"Aha, the sleeping dead awakens!" He joked, although it could have easily been the truth.

Hunter looked at me on concern. "Are you alright, Heather?"

"You look dreadful." Ryder commented, earning him an elbow from Hunter and a glare from Florence.

I think it was fairly undeserved though – I do appreciate Ryder's brutal honesty more than most. He doesn't sugarcoat things to soften the blow, he just says it as it is. I guess that's why many people find him difficult. I just think he's truthful.

"Chee... Cheers mate." I managed through a moon swallowing yawn, too tired to do anything more than cover my mouth with my hand.

"Bad night?" Hunter asked, tilting his head sympathetically. Although he tends to severely gloss over harsher details, I'm also grateful for his gentle company. It can be a lot less overwhelming if you have a soft-spoken presence, particularly if you're suffering from a nightmare induced headache.

"Terrible." I responded. I was honestly too exhausted to elaborate. I had only got a quick glimpse of myself in the mirror this morning. Or at least, I can only remember it as a quick glimpse. I think my eye bags were dark enough to rival that of a panda's.

"Perhaps you should stay home." Florence said, slender eyebrows pinching together.

I pressed my thumb between them, causing her to even out the crease in surprise.

"'M fine." I said firmly.

I know my friends. They would have wrestled me back into bed if they could. I could feel the arguments lingering on the tip of their tongue, but I just took off down the road before they could voice any of them.

"Heather, please."

I heard Florence's voice as she skittered to my side, clutching her tan jacket tighter around herself.

"You don't look so good, you really should rest."

"Flo, I said I'm fine." This probably sounded harsher than I intended, but I didn't really notice at the time. I was just tired, it would fix itself out.

"No, Heather, listen to me."

I saw her reach for my arm out of the corner of my eye, but before she could touch me, I spun around and grabbed her wrist.

The shock in her eyes made me stop abruptly. Florence is my friend, she was just trying to help. I didn't know why I was acting in such a way, but the moment I opened my mouth to apologise, a different set of words came out of my mouth.

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