Chapter 2 - Heather

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Warning: Does include cursing and hallucinations

13th January 2013

What the actual fuck is going on

Um, hi, just to clarify, this isn't Ryder, this is Heather. He wanted me to write down my point of view of what happened a few days ago because... something about primary sources and accuracy, which... sounds fair

Now, I am going on the assumption that you, you being... God I don't know, you're a book, a diary, I can't see Ryder actually giving this to anyone else to read, it probably just contains a bunch of entries about him fawning over Hunter which- aren't worth reading, if I wanted to hear it I'd just stand in his vicinity. 

But, to make this easier to write, I'm going say that you, the book have never been possessed before

Let me tell you, it's one hell of an experience, quite literally.

Of course, I had no idea that's what it was at the time, but still.

I literally have no idea how to explain it without sounding batshit crazy – maybe for a time, I was.

If I had to use a simile, I guess I would liken it to a sensory overload. There was so much stuff going on it was quite overwhelming. Or maybe that was just me having a sensory overload.

Like, almost right after I put my hand on the rock, images started flashing before my eyes. (God, I sound like one of those people who get all dramatic about death)

I'm going to be honest, I don't remember much, it was all a massive blur, but I do remember being in a fight... a battle of some kind – I was holding a sword and shield and there was fire everywhere. Or it could have just been a pretty windy autumn day. It's- ugh, sorry, there was just so damn much, you can hardly expect me to remember it all. I think there was... well, there was a lot of pain, emotional and physical.

Oh, but the end I remember very well – I think I sort of projected out of my body (shut up, I don't know how else to describe it!) and I could see that Princess from the book we had found in our school library. 

She seemed to see me too. I recall her smiling, as if somewhat relieved to see me.

But then her expression changed, and she sort of reached out to me, as if I was being pulled away from her. I don't know why, but I didn't want to leave her - so I tried to grab her hand.

Our fingers brushed together, and... it was almost like we were one being, if that makes sense. I could feel her anguish and happiness, her hopes, and dreams. I knew she needed help, I wanted to help, but then all I could hear was this strange 'whooshing' noise and the world tunnelled into this sort of vignette.

I must have blacked out after that because I don't remember a thing.

You'd think that for a once in a lifetime experience it would be easier to remember, but no.

When I woke up, I was in a bed. It was only after I looked around a little did, I realise that it was my bed and that my dearest friends had broken into my house. (I do exaggerate, they probbly just used the front door, but given what we had just done I honestly wouldn't put it past them.)

I sat up quickly and the whole world span. In fact, I swear that my room phased away to the once in the mansion, the rock sitting right in front of me.

But then I blinked, and it was my room again.

Well, my room with four anxious faces blinking at me.

"Hey Heather." Ryder said, almost cautiously, as if I was about to just jump up and strangle him.

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