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it pisses me off when people make fun of the things I like and it makes me mad and upset cause like I'm not making fun of your favorite thing/interest why are you making fun of mine. I need to be hanging by a rope or with a cute little pill bottle!!! I want to find a pencil sharpener which I think I know where one is but I don't really have anywhere I can hide the cuts at so they would be out in the open and I can't use the jacket excuse cause it's hot as shit out (#cali) also when my mom saw my cuts last time she threatened to take me to a mental hospital/psychward instead of helping me so that's nice I guess. I hate eating but I eat a lot I think I just want food without calories or sugar or anything unhealthy but my mom supplies my family with unhealthy food and leaves the healthy stuff for herself and her friends. she also refuses to get our eldest cat to the vet (she has a big lump on her shoulder) but idk what it's from (plspls comment how I'm the problem and don't pity me)

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