- c h a p t e r - t w e n t y-o n e -

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 She hadn't even gotten the chance to look at what would have been the achingly familiar surroundings of Hogsmeade when the scream pierced her eardrums.

It made her entire body seize as Hermione shifted closer to her while the doors of the Three Broomsticks blew open–wizards pouring out with their wands raised. Harry had to grab Ron's arm to stop him from attempting to fight.

"Accio Cloak!" A Death Eater shouted with his wand raised.

Gemma was ready to fight, but the Cloak didn't move.

"Not under your wrapper, then, Potter? Or how about you, Lupin?" The Death Eater taunted–him saying Gemma's real surname made her hands shake–before he turned to his companions, "Spread out. They're here."

Gemma immediately guided her friends backward as quietly as possible into the nearest side street.

It was a good thing she did because if she hadn't, the Death Eaters would have collided with them.

"Let's just leave!" Hermione whispered to Gemma quickly. "Disapparate now!"

"Great idea," Ron agreed with her, but Gemma didn't as she was keenly listening to a Death Eater cry out, "We know you're here, Potter, and there's no getting away! We'll find you too, you mutt!"

"They were ready for us," Harry murmured to the three of them–glancing at Gemma nervously. "They set up that spell to tell them we'd come. I reckon they've done something to keep us here, trap us—"

"What about Dementors?" Another Death Eater shouted. "Let 'em have free rein, they'd find him quick enough!"

"The Dark Lord wants Potter dead by no hand but his—"

"—an' dementors won't kill him! The Dark Lord wants Potter's life, not his soul. He'll be easier to kill if he's been Kissed first! Or we just find the girl–that'll draw him out!"

Gemma and Harry looked at each other worriedly as Hermione whispered, "We're going to have to try to Disapparate, guys!"

A dreadful cold filled Gemma from head to toe, and she couldn't breathe as Hermione grabbed her, Harry, and Ron–forcing them to turn in their spot.

But they didn't Disapparate. They couldn't.

So instead, Gemma dragged everyone down the street further–trying to escape the cold that was settling in her bones, unknowingly slipping out from under the Cloak (there wasn't enough space really for four of them). But it was all for not as at least ten Dementors swept forward–one reaching its gnarled hand at Gemma. The world–which was already dark due to the time of day–seemed to swirl in front of her as she could hear her mum's screaming filling her head again and her knees buckled.

Something in her chest twisted, and it was like her heart was being torn out of her chest. But as soon as it started, it ended as a silvery stag launched by her–chasing away the dark creatures.

Gemma wasn't sure what happened, but firm hands grabbed her and pulled her into a doorway. Her vision swam as she looked up into a familiar face.

"You..." She whispered under her breath–shock mixing in with the exhaustion.

The barkeeper at the Hog's Head pinched his lips at her before placing a steadying hand on her shoulder and leaning back out the door, hissing, "Potter, in here, quick!" Gemma heard scuffling feet just before the barkeep ordered, "Upstairs, take your friend, keep the Cloak on, keep quiet!"

Harry appeared in front of Gemma as he pulled her to him and back under the Cloak as the door slammed shut behind the barkeep, who vanished into the street.

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