Chapter 13

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Author's note at end

Shifting from side to side I debated on what outfit to wear to the 'welcoming party' this evening. While I had been staying in Rhett's room at night, my clothes still occupied the original room. Should I wear something a touch more formal, but then I didn't want to stand out by being too formal. Or should I go with something more casual, but it couldn't be too casual otherwise it could send the message that I didn't care. It didn't feel like there was anything in the middle, in the closet.

Hearing a knock on the door, I called for them to enter, gnawing on my bottom lip. Max appeared in the walk-in closet doorway.

"Still deciding what to wear?" She was dressed in a simple khaki capris with a light blue buttoned blouse. I could take notes from her on what to wear.

"I have no idea." Blowing a puff of air out. "I don't want to be too formal, but not formal enough, but not overly casual." Max laughed.

"Don't stress too much. Wear something comfortable that you feel confident in. Throw on a nice pair of capris and a blouse and you will be fine." Max started rifling through the clothes before throwing a black pair of capris at me and then a pale green blouse. "This will be good. Then throw on flats and come down. People are starting to gather." Max left me to change.

Putting on the outfit she threw my way and complimentary black flats, I moved on to braiding hair and applying a thin layer of eyeliner and eye shadow. I wanted to be presentable to the pack. Straightening the shirt out of nerves, I told myself it was as good as it was going to get and moved to leave the room.

Exiting, I could already hear the low hum of many voices coming from the main living room area. Luckily, I saw Max at the top of the stairs well to go down. She gave me a smile upon seeing me.

"You look good." She commented, "Now let's have everyone meet you." Taking my arm in hers she started walking us down the stairs. As people came into view, I could see Rhett talking with a few people at the far side of the room. He seemed to know that I was descending the stairs, because he looked my way, before making what I'm sure was his parting words to walk towards the base of the stairs.

Max passed me off to Rhett's waiting arm as we reached the bottom of the stairs. Pack members looked at us as Rhett seemed to parade me through the room. He went over to where Brian and Erin were standing at. There were many more people milling around than I had thought there would be. People were walking back between the kitchen and the living spaces chatting with everyone. Kids zipped around the rooms, parents calling to them.

Before it turned out that I did not have a wolf, I vaguely remembered these types of gatherings. I always stayed close to my parents. It was nice to experience such a warm gathering.

Rhett cleared his throat, and everyone stalled their current conversations to hear what their Alpha had to say, especially about a woman who had been hanging around the pack house for several weeks.

"Thanks everyone for gathering tonight. I know many of you have been wondering what Ms. Emily Mathers, who was the legal counsel for us with the resort, is still doing here." He looked down at me. "Emily, is my mate." Hurried whispers started going as soon as he said the word made. "I hope you all help make her feel welcome here and help her acquaint herself with the pack. Thank you."

Even as Rhett stopped speaking, I was suddenly inundated with people wanting to say hello and welcome me to the pack. Eyes misted with such a warm welcome they were giving me. They knew nothing about me, but they knew I was pack and that was enough for them. I said 'hello' and 'thank you' to all those who spoke with me. A few ladies even pulled me away from Rhett to talk and it was so welcoming to me. My wolf was very content, and she gave off warm fuzzy feelings, showing that she was happy to be here and loving the welcome.

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