HeeChul Imagine "Love Letter"

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HeeChul Imagine ~ Love Letter

In a moment of silence, I've realized how lonely I am. No one to think about me in this cold, rainy night. Afraid to make the same mistake, I didn't dare to be apart of anyone else's life. Afraid to be the reason why someone would frown again, I didn't dare look into anyone else's eyes. He was always there to listen to me, but he never gave me any feedback. In times when I just need some advice into living this cruel world, he gives me nothing, but silence. I dealt with him every time, and gave him all my trust. No matter how well he listened, it would have been no use, because he didn't understand what I needed the most. Every time, he tried to avoid answering me. I guess choosing to be so open was a huge mistake.

He called, I ignored. He texted, I didn't respond. Outside has became a storm, but he was there standing like an idiot outside my house. Sometimes, I feel like even with him here, I feel so alone. If we were together, don't we share our problems together? It seems he hasn't cared for me just a bit. He speaks so well in front of other girls, but he's speechless in front of me.

I dragged him in the house, but he pulled me. He took off his jacket and kept me try, as he was soaking. I looked into his eyes, but it seemed they were tears, not raindrops, that traveled down his cheeks. I tried to understand him, and tried everything to make him laugh, but he still were in tears. I don't understand just one bit that's on his mind, and neither does he. Let's just not see each other anymore Heechul.. it'll be for the better. You don't know how many tears I cry at night, under my pillow. You are clueless of the pain breaking my heart.

The storm tonight reminded me of the storm where my dad died in. He was the only one I had, but since he was gone, no one was there to give me advice. My eyes felt a tingly feeling, and I knew it, tears couldn't be held back. To have no one who understands you, is like talking to a wall. Immediately, he pulled on me, and ran across the streets in the pouring rain.

He handed me a box filled with letters. I looked at him with a confused look. He's unpredictable, and always doing his own thing. I don't know how I'm able to put up with him, but I wish he was more understanding.

"Open them.." Heechul commanded. "All of them."

I never felt such a chill down my back, from hearing his harsh tone. I opened one at a time, reading from top to bottom.

"Forgive you.. I know you cry at night. Don't say I didn't know. The moment I look into your eyes, I see the that you've have another sleepless night. I wish I could tell you in person, I wish I could stop writing these letters. I'm tired of keeping them all to myself. I want you to know I understand you so well. You see.. I've been through a lot of pain too. Understand me well here. I always wanted to give you advice. Each time you talked to me, I remembered them like a notebook. I came home, spending my night writing for you, like now. Do you remember when you said you missed your father? He seemed cool from all your stories honestly. I was hoping that you'd get lost in my eyes, and we'd be in another world of happiness, but I see it's not going to be like that. I hate to see you sad. It's okay you don't understand love. It's okay if hurt someone, because it'll be another experience to remember. Without pain, we'll never realize the better side of life. There's so many things you've complained about, but you see, worrying isn't for you. It's for me. Take my hands and trust me, I know very well in the look of your eyes that you have trouble on your mind. You tell me, but I can already figure out why you're so upset. I want to be a good listener, so when you have no more to rant to me, I can bring you somewhere so beautiful that would erase all your pain. I love you, do you know that? You get upset mostly because you think you're not pretty, you can't match up to those models. Forget it.. I love you for you. I love everything about you. The plain t-shirt you wear, with sneakers and jeans, fits you. I don't care what you wear, I don't care what you look like, stop being sad over that. I don't want to see you so sad. There's so many things you don't even know. Remember when you told me there was someone willing to find you a job, even with little experience? He wasn't going to accept you, but I talked with him. I did my best, so your day could get brighter bit by bit. I don't want you to think the world is falling on you, because you have me to hold up all your worries. I know I kept quiet, but I didn't know how to start.. before I've been so open, and I really got hurt deep. After a while, I started closing in on myself. I pushed everyone out of my life, but the very first day we met, you held my hands, and told me that we will be there for each other. I trusted you with the only trust I had in myself. I'm sorry..



Tears came down without me noticing. He wiped my tears, and I didn't even realize it. I just kept crying, because for so long, I hated him. I thought he didn't care for me at all, but he cared so much. If sorry is to be said, I think I 'm the one needing to apologize, but he covered my mouth. He held me tight in his arms, and whispered, "I love you always, and only you."

~The End~

I wanted to post this on his birthday.. but I am late by like an hour.. more like two days.. because Korea's time is ahead by like 16 hours. Okay~~ I hope this is a cute imagine!

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