In this world, most of the human population was born with powers they are called superhumans but this teenage vigilante who's trying to avenge his parent's death was born powerless but mysteriously gained plant-based powers.
(Pronounce plant-O)
Jason Pyle or Jace Pyle is a 16-year-old teenage boy who lives with both parents in the suburbs of Chicago.
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Jace father (Matt Pyle) was a biologist who worked for a science company named N.O.B. (Nature of Biology) Labs.
Jace mother (Taylor Pyle) is the captain of the police force she's also a master kickboxer and teaches her skills to Jace in her spare time.
At the N.O.B. Labs Matt works with his assistant Andrew Ross aka his best friend. They work on a new experiment which is a seed that'll help plants and other green Nature grow faster and stronger the seed can also be used as a power source to charge several things. This seed is also known as The Beanstalk.
A Mob boss named One Eye Bill leads a mafia gang that goes by the Eyepatches one of the biggest and baddest Gangs in Chicago.
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One Eye Bill also has several inside men who work for different companies and one of the companies happens to be N.O.B. Labs where the inside man finds out about the beanstalk. After hearing what the Beanstalk can do One Eye Bill wanted it for himself so he arranged a meeting with Matt in a quiet ally.
One Eye Bill: Matt Pyle I know all about you and your family my men here are also armed and dangerous so before you even Think about calling anyone just think how your wife and son will feel when you disappear.
*Matt's eyes widen as he responds* I-I sorry but you have the wrong guy I can't help you.
One eye Bill: Oh, but Matty Matt you don't know what we want you see I want what you call the beanstalk *One eye Bill drops a bunch of files In front of Matt* that's everything I know about the beanstalk and your family from blood type to jobs and education.
Matt Pyle: This can't be real why out of all people why me?
One eye bill: Well Matt it just so happens that your wife is the one that shot my DAMN RIGHT EYE she's lucky she's the captain or I would've made my move so remember I still want my revenge so you'll do as I ask or your wife could easily be killed on the field and for your son lets see how he'll like working for me.