Chapter 2: The vigilante

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News: As you can see there's a new hero in town and according to this woman he goes by Planto

Captain Carl: he's no hero he's a vigilante who needs to be captured he broke this guy's jaw for god sake I want this vigilante now if he doesn't cooperate with the cops shoot on sight do you hear me

Captain Carl was the new police captain elected after Captain Taylor's death.

Marco: Dad we have a problem

One eye bill: what is it now you have already disappointed me once by letting that kid Jason getaway

Marco: I know I'm sorry but this uhh you see one of our guys was arrested and he was blabbering something about a guy in a mask

One eye bill: a hero here in my city and he's taking out my guys....well don't just sit there find him

Meanwhile back at Andrews's apartment.

Jace: Man that was wild unc I saved someone and took out that goon

Andrew: yes you did but the plan was to follow him I'll let it slide since you did save that woman

Jace: you know this feels good I kinda like it

Andrew: well it's not over yet I've been doing most of the tracking and listening in on conversations by hacking into their coms and I found out that the eye patch gang and the cyber wolf gang are having a gun trade deal at the docks tomorrow night

Jace: more ass to kick count me in

Andrew: don't underestimate them your not bulletproof remember that you need to be extra careful on this one

The next night Jace makes his way to the docks he quietly watches from a nearby rooftop.

Cyber wolf gang: what's the deal

Eye patch gang: The deal is your explosives for our guns

Cyber wolf gang: and what so special about those guns

Eye patch gang: well you see-


Eye patch gang: what the hell was that

Cyber wolf gang: it was one of our men who set us up for this ambush or something

Planto: no just me

Eye patch gang: Who the hell are you

Planto: the guy who's gonna kick your ass

Planto take on 10 guys at once 5 from both gangs his fighting style is very violent he aims straight for their weak points and then breaks their arms or legs. Just as Plato thought he won BANG!! A sniper shoots him right in the shoulder.

Marco: gotcha you freak

Planto rush back to Andrew's apartment where he calls Jeeny because she has experienced cleaning wounds with her mom being a doctor and all.

Jenny: omg what happened

Jace: as you can see I was shot

Jenny: don't worry I got you you'll be fine the bullet went clean through

Jace: sorry to worry you I know I'm trash at this I literally got shot on the second day

Jenny: what the hell your wound has a flower growing over it.

Andrew: that bright colorful purple follower I've never seen anything like it before

Jace: well whatever it is it is healing me I feel way better now

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