Chapter Seventeen

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"Don't you have somewhere to be?" O'Hara asked. She was sitting at her desk, paperwork before her, hair let down for the day, and her focus was into fly on him.

Carlton shifted under her gaze. "I have work to do."

Much to his surprise she stood, leaning over her desk, and snatched the form he'd been filling out. She plopped back into her chair. "Well, now you don't so get your butt out of here. You have to pickup Shawn. You can't dodge this date, Carlton. I think it'll be good for you to get out, do something other than work. And with Shawn, nonetheless."

He narrowed his eyes. "If you're so keen on dating Spencer why not have a go of it yourself?"

"Nope. He only has eyes for you." Her mega wart grin was oddly infuriating, probably because she spoke the truth. It did seem Spencer was into him and him alone. What had he done to deserve that? "Besides, if you don't leave I'll tell chief Vic what's up. Do you want her to know you're seeing Shawn?"

Carlton gave it a moment's thought. "Actually, yes. If it means he can't meddle in my cases anymore I'm perfectly fine with it."

"Carlton." The way she stressed his name told him that he was pushing it. Rather than incur her wrath, which he'd come to find devious in execution, he sighed.

"Fine." He cleaned up his desk, ever mindful of her watching eye. Grabbing his suit jacket, making sure to keep his gun and badge on him—he felt naked without either—he mumbled goodnight to O'Hara, then headed for the parking lot. It wasn't like he was trying to purposefully skip out on his date with Spencer, but he'd be damned if he let anyone know there was an undercurrent of fear involved. How long ago since his last date? And to be fair, he'd never gone with a guy, never even entertained the notion, what if he did everything wrong? At least, he figured, they already got the first kiss out of the way.

The kiss.

He paused, keys in the ignition, and pondered the property of the kiss. Spencer's lips on his, they should have made his stomach churn, instead he experienced a flutter. And their taste, a hint of pineapple. While he mostly focused on the meeting of lips it didn't escape him, the way Spencer's body pressed against his, firm and solid. Carlton twisted the key, banishing the imagine in hopes of vanquishing the warmth spreading through his body. What the hell was happening to him? Since when did he get all agog for someone, anyone, much less Spencer?

He slumped against the steering wheel. "I'm doomed. It's the only explanation."

Just do it and get it done with. Also, I can use this as an excuse to checkup on him. Carlton liked to think he perfected an air of uncaring mixed with utter annoyance and a hint of contempt when it came to Spencer, his buddy, and their antics. However, deep down, he cared for both Spencer and Gus. He wasn't a monster. He simply didn't find their games amusing and his job was absolutely no place for such childishness. Why dis the others but into Spencer's psychic ability? Better yet, did he but into it? Now there was a question he asked himself way too many times.

"And a fresh new horrifying thought has entered my mind," he grumbled. "What will the others think? Buzz, the chief, all of them. Me hooking up with Spencer. Okay, wrong term. Don't use that one again. It's not a hook up, just a date. A date with Spencer. Shawn freakin' Spencer." Carlton sighed. "How the hell did I get myself into this mess?"

Somewhere along the way he started the engine and left the precinct behind. At this point he might as well see it through, he figured. What's the worse that could happen? The police radio crackle to life with a report of a suspicious person lurking around a gas station. Normally too mundane for him, Carlton gave it some consideration before continuing on to Henry's house, the designated pickup spot. Lurking with the intent to commit a crime paled in comparison to the cold shoulder he risked from O'Hara if he stood up Spencer.

Much too soon he pulled into the driveway behind Henry's truck. As soon as he went to reach for the key to silence the engine, the older Spencer was out the door and marching in his direction. Carlton's breath caught in his throat. A million scenarios ran through his mind. Shawn hurt himself again. He'd pulled another disappearing act. He changed his mind and no longer wanted to go out tonight. He was the one lurking at the gas station—honestly, Carlton wouldn't put it passed him.

He powered down the window. "Everything okay?" Did Henry hear the worried fear in his question.

"Fine," Henry said, placing a hand on the door and leaning down. "I guess you could consider this like the dad talk or whatever."


Henry darted a glance toward the house. "Look, I get it, Shawn's a big boy. He's responsible for his life and whether he sinks or swims. But," and here Carlton could have sworn fire burned in Henry's eyes, "he's my boy, always will be, and as much as he'll hate to admit it, he's vulnerable."

"I think I know that a bit better than most."

"Look, all I'm asking, given the way things have gone recently, is you make damn sure where you stand by the end of tonight."

"Excuse me?"

"I need you to figure out where you stand, what you want. Right bow, Shawn's well-being is my top priority." Their eyes locked and a little shiver worked its way down Carlton's spine. "I guess what I'm trying to say is, by the time you drop him off tonight, Carlton Lassiter, I expect you to have made up your mind. Either you're with Shawn or this is the one and done."

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