Hello!! im back. sorry for tasking my sweet time writting this new chapter and coming back to writting fanfics. I had many thing to ponder. LIke my gender and many other problems in my life but im reciving profecional help for my mental health problems and im here for good, perhaps not writting a chapr a week like i used but i will continue to update.
hope this chapter is good
have a nice time reading
"Callum! Stop moving or I will have to clean it and do it all over again" Rayla exclaimed fiercely, she was painting purple matching triangles under Callum's eyes so that were matching, as it was a traditional thing in her family but for Callum was something complete new, so his skin was sensitive and tickle him.
They were already in their matching costumes. Rayla was wearing a deep blue sleeveless shirt with an almost black leather vest, a pair of light blue leather trousers and her special combat boot. It was an attire that was only meant for special occasions like weddings, funerals and some other joyful or sorrowful occasion but this was one of the few times she actually wore it for something not related to her family. She dressed Callum in a white sleeveless shirt, financing a deep red vest with golden buttons and stitches, a pair of brownish leather trousers and some boots he had there. Rayla went and painted before hand her marking, showing how old she was and how many experiences she had in life, as per tradition but when she went to paint Callum's she opted for a different set of runes outside of her culture. She was painting special runes in his arms that signified his strength but also how careful he was with things, how dedicated he was to his crafts and how he was a free person from the land he was born to.
The problem was that he was moving too much and Rayla had to applied the special paint twice already and she was becoming more stressed at each passing second but she would never tell anyone that this marks for her were very personal and very important since it was a legacy from her past, from her biological parent and her dark past in the silvergrove but she wanted to forge new memories with this marks, she wanted to make them hers.
"I will try Ray" Callum told her in all honesty and he did his best while Rayla painted the markings on his face, slowly and making sure that they were perfect. Rayla reflected about her life as she painted Callum's face marks. She had lived and experienced so much humiliation for trusting another person, so much hurt and betrayal that she was still processing that the man in front of her made a little nest in her heart.
"When he left, he took my heart with him but he still gave me his soul. As he told me, repeatedly until he left, that he was only himself when i was with him" Ethari words sound inside her head like a recorded message as she painted, understanding now a little more about those words but then she remembered a lesson she had with Runnan.
"No matter how sharp and perfect a sword is, or how powerful a rifle is, they will decay without proper care. That's the same to us, sometimes caring is not like the other but the small thing we do for each other, like me, never entering his workshop even when there is no one or when my soul cleans my training room, only to see me train. That is how we care for each other, like a sheath protecting the sword" Rayla almost tears up but she refuses since she would have to reapply to her make up and her marks.
Callum was silent and observing Rayla. For him, she was like a painting in movement, always chaining colors and forms but there was always meaning. Now Callum knew that this was important to her in a different way than him, for her it was a battlefield not only with herself but against his family. He knew she wanted the best impression on his mother and Harrow and that this was the way she prepared and Callum's heart was beating with love and respect. He had met many people before his accident and knew that meeting something important is difficult, but he remembered how meeting Aanaya moms with Ezran made him understand her position a little.
"You know" Callum started freezing Rayla for a second "i never had someone meet my mom and Harrow" he told her with a bright smile and Rayla took a breath she didn't know she needed.
"That's why I need to..." Rayla started but Callum giggled and interrupted her. "That's because my mom loves us so much she always treats us as children" Callum wanted to reassure Rayla that she had nothing to fear. "Also, she asked me to meet you if we were official" I smiled as Rayla painted the final marks with a serious expression that made Callum fear that she had enraged or hurt Rayla.
Rayla was struggling to maintain a straight face because she wanted to cry in happiness that Callums mom wanted to meet her and she wanted to laugh thinking of all the embarrassing stories of little Callum.
When Rayla finished painting the marks she took two steps back and laughed so hard that her stomach hurted "Are wee Callum stories good?" Rayla asked between laughs and Callum laughed too. After she stopped laughing she noticed the concern in Callums eyes.
"I'm nervous because I never met impressive parents, with an impressive man that I date..." Rayla still felt like she was too little for a person like Callum but she was taken back when Callum hugged her.
"You are the best thing that has happened to me in my life moonshine, they love you too" Callum told her with a smile while hugging her harder. It was a big step for them but it was a good step. Callum broke the embrace and went to his nightstand while Rayla looked at his puzzle. When he returned with a little box(not a ring box), he showed her a silver crescent moon necklace and Rayla gasped. The necklace was very intricate, well made and surely it would be extremely expensive and Rayla was a little apprehensive because of it.
Rayla tentatively touches it. "It's beautiful..." was the only she could muster, her feelings colliding and twirling inside of her. Part of her wanted to tell him that she doesn't deserve it, someone tainted like her should only receive the bare minimum but the other part was touched, feeling incredible touch at his gesture.
"It's a matching set" Callum told her and pulled a gold necklace with a golden feather from his neck. "I had it from my mother after my incident, a sign of trust" Rayla's heart clenched but Callum continued talking. "not only for me, but the partner I wanted to introduce to her" Callum kissed his cheek and Rayla took the necklace and pressed deep into her chest with her hands, holding it like a lifeline. He guided her to sit on the couch and smiled again. "If you have this when you meet my mother she will understand that i wanted you to meet her too, like a way of saying that I do love you more than a fling" Rayla was watching Callum like a hawk. He had told her that he had never had a girlfriend before, and that she was her first girlfriend. Raylas was even more touched by this, he had considered her so special to give her something so dear to him.
Rayla inspected the crescent moon with care, it looked plain at first glance but was an intricate design made of many silver lines.
"I will do the same if I meet your parents," Callum told her quietly. Rayla looked up and smiled, placing a hand on her cheek. "it will be easier since one of my dad loves your art" Raylas feeling and insecurities stopped their turmoil to focus on what he had just said. He wanted to meet them, not out of a sense of necessity but a genuine desire.
Callum smiled brightly and took the hand that it was on her cheek and kissed her. Rayla's heart flutters and decides to do her best when meeting his parents, because the man in front of her was not pushing things faster but showing her the door to his heart.
They looked into their eyes for a second before Rayla smirked and kissed his nose. "Please escort me to the party, my prince. I need to meet the Queen and King" They stood up and Callum bowed to her courtesy. They walked, hands intertwined, to the party with smiles and jitters.
The car ride was anything but easy, everything that could go wrong, went wrong. There was traffic, like a lot of traffic, one of the tires deflated and had to be replaced, but instead of stressing Callum or Rayla, those situations made them laugh. It was a very good way of venting their stress prior to the Hallowen party.
A few hours later when they arrived at the Banther Lodge, they were laughing all the way, from small jokes and singing. Rayla took a look around, mesmerized at the scenery. It was breathtaking, the Banther Lodge was surrounded by a forest that extended for miles, even squirrels and small birds had made nests on the lodge, bringing it closer to nature as if it was a part of the forest itself.
They exited the car and walked slowly to the door but Callum pointed to the sky and Rayla was curious and when she saw the sky, she was entranced by the beauty of it. It was already the night and the stars were shining in the dark sky, lighting the lonely city sky, but the stars weren alone, some lights were in the sky, mixing colors, from purple and green to violets and pinks.
"It is difficult to paint" Callum told her with a big smile as they watched the sky. Rayla nodded, agreeing that replicating the beautiful night sky but Rayla had an idea.
"how about we paint them together? you know, like a couple's painting and not something to sell?" Rayla spoke with a bright smile and Callum laughed softly. "i like that idea" He took her hand into his and admired the sky one last moment before they knocked the door.
Saying that Nyx was bossy, would be an understatement but the rest of her family knew that she was only that when she was doing something important or family related. Ezran and Aanya were in their wheelchair talking with Elise while the rest of the Family were organizing the party. "Come on people! we need everything ready before they arrive!"
Janai and Amaya were cooking, they were the best cooks in the family while Sarai and Harrow were decorating the place with Halloween stuff being directed by Claudia. Nyx was preparing the room, with fluffy blanks since the lodge wasnt with a climate control or something like that. Sarai excused herself from decorating for a moment and went to Callum's room, where Nyx was preparing for Rayla and Callums night with glee. Sarai took a look at the room and all the memories that it had. This lodge was in Sarai's family for a long time and this was one of Calum's favorite places, somewhere he was free of the pain of being different. Sarai noticed that there was only one bed and sighted.
"Will they be comfortable with only one bed?" Sarai asked Nyx about them. From her point of view, Callum didn't like being so close to anyone, even her but Nyx smiled.
"They will be, they even sleep together where he lives from time to time" Nyx told her adoptive mother with a smile. Sarai's heart ached a little, thinking of how distant they had become but it was the best she could do at that time, giving him space and time.
Nyx noticed her concert. "He is better and he was excited to come, to be with us and with Rayla."
Sarai's heart rested and she smiled. Rayla had helped her son in ways she couldn't. She was a little sad that it was Rayla and not them that had helped him but that thought disappeared as Nyx spoke. "He is smitten with her and she is so diligent and respectful that even asks permission even if Callum told her yes a million times." Sarai and Nyx shared a happy look.
Callum was secretive by nature, he always loved to keep his important things a secret until they were finished or he was ready to tell them, so that was a genuine gesture of trust.
"He even called me to confirm it," Janai told them from Callum's door. Both Nyx and Sarai turned to meet Janai with wide eyes. "She is a lovely person, a bit depressing but there is a story that I don't know, but she is truly interested in him" Janai started telling them about their time at the auction, how the threat of two overprotective and intimidating women was met with confidence and love for Callum. How she still chooses good restaurants and foods even if Callum agrees to pay. Sarai and Nyx smiled softly at that, realizing that Rayla truly wanted to be with Callum.
It was a refreshing reality for them, he was one of the most sweet people they had met. For Nyx, he treated her as her blood sister from day one and was a rock to her, even after his incident, for Sarai was her precious child that supported her even though his pain and help her became the woman she was and never let her felt that she failed as a mother and for Janai, it was his favorite nephew, he welcomed her with his arms opened, choose her as the one to handle her art and even shared many pains and tears when he chose her as her guardian after the incident. For the three women there, he was someone who showed the best of the best even if he was in the worst place and they only wanted him to be as happy as he could be.
Down stairs Harrow was talking with Erzan, Aanya and Elise, making sure they were alright and to spend time with them.
Harrow was different from wha people in the media portray them. He was a serious man that looked for the improvement of the well being of all humanity but he was also a father, who took more pride in raising his sons than being a diplomat for the poor. He loved sending gifts to their sons, from all over the world and being with them.
But behind all, his laugh and cheerful demeanor he was sad he had failed as a father to Callum, he still can't believe what it had happened with his old friend had done to Callum but how he didn't trust him made broke when the truth was revealed broke him and only Sarai knew about it. He spent years in therapy, finding a way to cope with his actions, and for a year after that horrible day he spent most of his days being unable to see his wife without begging for forgiveness. Even when Sarai forgave him, he didn't forgive himself and made it his life mission to repair the damage he had done to them.
Harrow casually touched his ribs, his wound was still fresh and healing. Saira was mad at him, telling him that he was repairing his relationship with Callum at small steps, like everyone else, but Harrow never let go of his guilt. The day he and his mother talked, the look in Callums eyes when he called him 'dad' showed that maybe he was in the wrong about his assumption of Callum, perhaps he could talk to him and close that chapter and be his father after a long time.
All the conversation stopped when they heard someone knocking on the door.
Rayla and Callum knocked the door after their little moment, they heard how alive the lodge was until they knocked. The silence was deafening for them as if they had intruded a personal moment inside the lodge. That was their trauma trying to control them, making them believe that they were intruders in this place instead of being a part of it. They were oblivious that most of the conversation revolved around them and when the door opened, they thought they would encounter enemies instead of a family.
When Amaya opened the door, she grinned and let them in after a big hug to both of them together and individually. Amaya grinned at their couple's attire and signed to them welcome to the castle. Callum and Rayla beamed at Amaya, feeling welcome and part of the family, making their own insecurities disappear.
As they looked around, the lodge was decorated like a castle. Callum noticed how it resembled a castle they had seen in Europe when he was little while Rayla noticed that all the paintings were made by Callum. It was a beautiful place in their eyes.
"Welcome home you two" Sarai spoke while climbing down the stairs in a green battle dress, she was a beautiful woman in Rayla's eyes and a very intimidating one. Rayla was shaking in her combat boots but she was determined to make a favorable impression so she let go of Callum's hand and bowed courteously "thanks you for having us, your majesty" every fiber in Rayla's body was shivering but when Callum bowed too, it calmed her.
Sarai giggled at their reaction and the rest of the family was smiling at them. Nyx went with Claudia to hug them and then they went to the fireplace to rest for a little. Sarai went and hugged them with a big smile. "I believe that a conversation with the moon elf is in order" Sarai took Rayla's hand and guided her to Rayla and Callum's bedroom while Callum was approached by Harrow with a glass of whisky.
As Rayla and Sarai approached the bedroom, Rayla was sweating a lot. She thought that she was brought here to scare her off Callum but when they entered the bedroom, Sarai faced her and touched the moon necklace Rayla was wearing. Rayla was frozen in place while the woman Rayla suspected was Callum mom touched the moon dearly.
"This was given to me by Harrow when Ezran was born. It was for me and Callum, for he was the feather that soared the sky while the moon represented guidance and love in the worst moment. I'm Sarai, Callums mom" Her voice was wavering as Sarai spoke. Raila knew that there was a story to such a necklace Callum gave her. "he calls me moon shine" escaped from Raylas mouth without realizing it.
Sarai giggled with a single shed tear. "He always loved the moon" Sarai told her with a big smile and Rayla, without a reason hugged Sarai the same way she hugged Callum and to her surprise Sarai hugged her back.
Rayla felt different. It was something she had never thought about, that Callum and her mother were more similar than she imagined. She felt a different way of comfort and safety. "You are welcome as long as you don't hurt each other" Sarai told Rayla with a soft tone, almost maternal while Rayla melted to her touch. "Also we won't run a background check on you" At those words Rayla froze up but then relaxed. That was something she hadn't considered, that his family were diplomats so many people wanted to hurt them since she knew that they hired Runnan but that information was not shared. She also began to register that, no matter what happened she was welcome there, as long as they weren't hurting each other she was welcome to be part of the family, no questions asked. Rayla sobbed in Sarais shoulder while she was comforted by her and if any stranger were to see this scene, they would think that they were mother and daughter.
While his mom took Rayla to talk privately, Harrow got close to Callum holding two glasses of Whisky.
"Hope we can talk a little son?" Harrow spoke with an uncertain tone, hoping to be granted a chance to bond with him but when Callum took the glass from his hand and walked to the fireplace his heart was crushed when he heard Callum's voice.
"Come dad" Callum's voice was shaky but steady, welcoming Harrow with kindness. Harrow smiled and walked to Callum and sat next to him on the couch.
"When i married your mother" Harrow started staring at the fireplace. "I thought i was the luckiest man in the planet, not only she was wonderful but she had a son, so impressive that I stayed up many night to learn something about paintings and art so i could talk to him but i made a mistake" Harrow was tearing up, his voice was weak and full of sorrow but he continue. "After that day, I never felt like a man, like a father or a human being. The day that it happened I went to confront Viren, thinking that his plan was for later, not knowing that it had already happened. I was there all the time you were in surgery and only left your side when your mother told me to rest and went to Ezran soccer match..." at that time Harrow was about to cry.
Callum was taken back from what Harrow was telling him. For him, he thought that Harrow had preferred his own biological son, but in reality he was there for him. Callum spoke with little confidence. "I never hated you for that even if I thought that you didn't want me as your son but I neve hated you for what happened to me. I knew that you would protect my mom and that you love her dearly and that is enough for me.... or it was" Callum as smiling and Harrow was smiling through her tears at him, confused at his last statement.
"I thought that since I wasn't your son, you would prefer Ezran but you were always there for me too and I hope isn't too late to start calling you 'dad' and be your 'son'" Callum words were careful, nervous that the time had passed for them to be a family.
Harrow placed his half-drunk whisky glass and hugged Callum. "You are my son, no matter what happens to me, you always have been and always will be my son" Harrow told him while deepening the hug.
For Harrow, Callum has always been his child from the moment he met him and even if he had failed, he always loved him and did the best for him and Ezran, equally. When Harrow winced at the pain from his ribs, Callu broke the hug and started to be concerned for him but they ended up laughing together.
While the rest of the daily spent their time bonding, Claudia was in the kitchen. She was in her own turmoil of feeling. She was thinking about her brother, Soren, coming home made her uncertain about how their relationship would be. She had forced Soren to make many difficult choices and never supported him though their lives together.
Nyx enter the kitchen for a beer when she noticed Claudia's gloomy demeanor and hugged her from behind, her arms hugging Claudia's waist and resting her chin on her shoulder.
"What twisted your panty? and is there something I could help you with?" Nyx tried to joke a little since it always cheered her up a little. Nyx was foul mouthed when it was just the two of them, it was something personal for both of them.
Claudia giggled a little and leaned into Nyx's chest. "I don't know what will happen with my brother, when he comes home..." She confides with uncertainty. Nyx knew the problem between Claudia and her brother, how she was manipulated by her father since she was a child and that it made her adult life a mess. It took Nyx months of showing her interest in her and many talks with Sarai present so Claudia could trust Nyx enough to start being friends and then a couple.
"I believe the two of you deserve a chance to speak about this problem, to see what could happen. To listen to each other and see if both want to have a relationship or not but you can do as you want and I will support your decision." Nyx spoke with love and appreciation while rubbing her cheek on Claudia's cheek. Claudia melted in Nyx embrace and words. Having Nyx at her side was so comforting now, there was a time Claudia didn't know what to do or want, her father had distorted everything she had thought and even with therapy, most of her life decision and trust abilities were hindered but with Nyx, is like she had another brain to think and help her makes decisions.
"And what if he doesn't want to talk to me?" Cluadia was speaking her fear out loud, making her concern important to herself.
"then it's his decision and not yours. He is the one closing the chance, not you." Nyx spoke softly and kissed her cheek.. Nyx and Claudia had a dynamic that was only understood by them, Nyx was the irrational one who loves to cuddle and do many things while Clauda was the braincell and the one who made sure they did all the things Nyx and her wanted to do. Claudia was also the one who had trouble with her emotions and Nyx was the one who didn't have the courage to do what she loved and they loved each other because they brought the best out of the other.
Nyx continued to listen to Claudia's ramble about their next play, something she talked about when she was stressed and Nyx was happily listening to her.
After a while all the family went together to celebrate Halloween together. Some sang karaoke while others danced together. The night was spent as a big family, Rayla had his share of fears still present but she knew that they accepted her for who she was and that she was welcomed here as herself and as Callum partner while Callum had bonded with his stepfather for the first time, it was messy and with many tears but it was a good start.
Janai and Amaya were dancing and drinking a little, enjoying the time they had without running from one place to another and Ezran, Aanya and Elise could spend a moment to rest from their college homework and obligations but the one who was the happiest was Sarai, for her it was the best night she had experience for a while. His son bought a girlfriend he loved, he was interacting with his family and even sorted things with Harrow and started calling him dad. Rayla was such a sweet kid and Sarai hoped that she became her daughter in law in the future and that Callum and her were happy together, for a long time.

Leap of faith, rebuilding our worlds
FanfictionCallum is an artist who found a dead end in his inspiration, he lost his inspiration and was serching for one. Rayla is a bartender who was sheraching for something she did not know she was looking for. A meeting in Rayla's bar change both of his li...