Chapter #1: Graduation.

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May 29th 2026. Oliver Mikaelson was 1 month away exactly to turning 18. It was graduation day and he was to get his medical degree and license.

     The opening ceremony begins. The head of the college Mr. Banks said, "you all have been through hell, going through med school. I congratulate you all for passing med school. I expect you all to do your best after today. You all are remarkable students. I know you will live up to that in your residency.
     During your residency your life will be hell. You'll work more then you'll sleep. Honestly your first year will make it break you. You'll have maybe 10 hours of sleep a week your first year. Your second year is when your attendings will pick you for their service. During that time is when you should decide what specialty you want to go in.
     The next 5 years you'll be on everyone's service. Doing mostly the specialty you decide. After the 7 years of residency you will become an attending and transfer to what ever hospital you'd like as long as your worth it.
     Now let the service begin. Now let's give y'all your diplomas." Mr. Banks began listing off the names of those who graduated one by one "Ty Banks, Georgina Hall, Madison Osbon, Ava Tonks, William Meyers, Judy Hall, Alex Handover, Kataleya Cline, Cullen, Carter, Lucy Duran, Ismael Allen, Riley Greer, Koda Bender, Lilyana Pratt, Rowen Gray, Sarah Bentley, Randy Benson, Collins Graves, Cesar Molina, Alex Garza, Judah Guerrero, Margot Strickland, Keegan Clark, Chloe Carrillo, Wade Franklin, Angela Reese, Alijah Webster, Kensley Lindsey, Jayson Roberts, Paisley Torres, Jayden Le, and finally the genius himself Oliver Mikaelson" one by one they grabbed their diplomas.
     Oliver's dad, mom, three brothers and one sister all stood up and yelled "GO OLIVER" Oliver laughed and grabbed his diploma and walked over to his family and hugged them all. Oliver's dad Mikael was your redneck Southern Cowboy, his mom Lucy was your Southern Housewife, then his three brothers who were triplets they were 16 and their names are Markus, Alex and Roman, then his twin sister Aurora who is 17.
     Oliver said, "I can't believe I did it! I'm a fucking doctor now" Oliver's dad Mikael playfully punched him in the shoulder saying "atta boy" then his younger brothers legit tackled Oliver to the ground wrestling him.
     Oliver managed to knock all three boys off him and give them all noogies then straighten his graduation outfit and picked up his diploma and said, "let's celebrate by going to Panda Express to eat"
     Mikael, Lucy, Markus, Alex, Roman, and Aurora all agreed and they got in their trucks Mikael, Lucy, and Aurora got in Mikaelson Truck. Markus, Alex and Roman got in Markus's jeep and Oliver got in his Truck.
     Soon they got to Panda Express and ordered their food. Oliver got an Orange Chicken Bowl and White rice, while everyone got a bowl of rice and teriyaki chicken. Soon they finished eating and headed home.
     They live on a farm in the outskirts of Tyler, Texas. Their farm is 625 acres. So 25 acres by 25 acres. They live on a 5 acre by 5 acre plot in the middle of the property. They live in a three story modern farmhouse that has a fireplace in each room. There is a total of 10 rooms. The master bedroom, 5 rooms for the kids leaving 4 rooms, 1 for at home gym, 1 for armory, 1 for library, and 1 for prepping supplies.
     They got home and went inside. They took off their shoes at the door and put them on the rack along with their coats. Oliver went up to his room and got changed into something more comfortable. Like a pair of jeans, button up shirt, cowboy boots and buckle then a cowboy hat.
     Oliver said, "y'all want to go shootin at the range?" Mikael, Markus, Alex, Roman and Aurora said, "absolutely" so they all got ready. Oliver put on his revolver belt and put his two Colt Python .357 magnum 6in revolvers then got his .223 rem rifle. His siblings and dad soon geared up and headed to the range and began shootin.
     Oliver and Mikael set up the targets. And all them began shooting. Oliver and Mikael scored all headshots on the their targets. Aurora close behind her brother and father is accuracy, then the triplets they literally share the same brain and accuracy.
     A couple hours later they finished shooting. Oliver had the highest score with the targets then his father Mikael close behind, then Aurora a bet behind Mikael, then the triplets Markus, Alex, and Roman tied again with their aim.
     They then went back to the farmhouse and cleaned their guns and put them up. Soon it was about 8 o'clock in the afternoon. They decided to put on the TV and they decided on watching The 100. More like Oliver said, "I graduated college I get to chose what we watch" then 3 hours later in a benge watching session of The 100 they heard the Emergency Broadcast System Alert.
     The sirens and alarms echoing throughout the house sent cold shivers down all their spines. The Emergency Broadcast System said, "This is a state of emergency. There was a biological weapon attack.... The infected show signs of insanity and cannibalism. Their eyes go grey.
     Do Not Approach The Infected Under Any Circumstances. I Repeat Do Not Approach The Infected Under Any Circumsta- ahhh" the man talking was lunged at by a woman covered in blood and what looked like a chunk of flesh in her mouth. She bit into the broadcast man's neck ripping a chunk of flesh out of his neck.
     Blood spewing out of the wound. The infected lady was devouring the man.

End Of Chapter #1 Thanks For Reading XD

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