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▪︎2 years and 5 months of Nick being in the Glade▪︎

Nick was sitting on a table in the shower room with her legs swinging off the side. Newt was sorting his clothes out on the table next to her getting ready for his shower.

“Showering? On Greenie day? Worst idea yet.” 

“Got to make a good impression on the Greenie.” Newt smirked, putting his arms either side of her legs. 

“I think the Greenie will be more interested in asking questions.” Nick fixed his hair even though it was pointless, “Not how clean you are.” 

“Then I'm doing it for Minho.” 

“Good.” She smiled, “He needs someone to date after his break up with Ben. I shall call you Minewt.” 

Nick had figured out that the two were dating when she unfortunately walked into something she wishes she could unsee.

Jordan was busy making dinner with Fry, Newt was busy helping Alby with something, Winston was slicing, Gally was building and Minho was nowhere to be found.

Nick was bored and had missed her little chats with Ben so since everyone else was busy she thought she would go see if he was up for a chat. After checking everywhere Ben normally was she went up to his room. 

Unfortunately for her any noises that could be heard from his room were blocked out by Gally sorting shelves out in one of the rooms. 

Eight months into the Glade and the one thing she had gotten used to was not knocking before entering. Considering none of the boys did it with her she stopped doing it with them and now it became a habit.

Nick swung open the door walking straight in, “Ben lets chat we haven- holy shit!” 

As she spoke she turned to the bed seeing the two boys making out with Minho having Ben pinned underneath him. His hand was palming Ben through his trousers earning moans and whimpers into their kiss. 

Ben was the only one with an actual bed since Wicked only sent up one and nobody else wanted it. Mainly because they didn't want to change their rooms around or fight with their roommate for the bed. 

At this point his room was the hook up room for anyone as long as Ben said they could use it. That was why Ben ended up sleeping outside with the others half the time. 

Immediately as she saw them she slapped a hand over her eyes running out the room and slamming the door behind her. 

There was a lot of noise in the room as she leaned against the door trying to forget everything she had just seen. 

“You can come in now...” Minho’s voice came through the door.

“I'd rather not.” She mumbled back in a squeaky voice. 

“Nick..” Ben chose to speak this time, “It will be much better for all of us if you come in here.” 

Nick sighed knowing he was correct, “Are you decent?” 

“She-bean get in here.” Minho ordered.

Slowly she opened the door and walked back into the room looking towards the two on the bed. 

They had covered themselves with the blanket and she could tell they were just as embarrassed about the situation as her. 

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