Chapter 10

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I woke up at the usual time 4:30 am
I wish I could sleep more, but the memories never let me , they continue to haunt me day by day.
I sat straight on my bed and prayed .
I know , I know why should I pray , you might ask , when God has given me a life full of all this pain . But I don't know why being close to god is the only time I felt relieved

Im not deserving to pray after all how filthy I am....

Anyway I went to tidy myself up . I stood up and suddenly a sharp, piercing like pain attacked my head . I couldn't see much . Everything was a blur . I somehow reached the bedside drawer where I kept my painkillers and took 2 pills from them and swallowed it . I sat on my bed for a few more minutes until the pain subsided.

I got and went to the bathroom, I searched the bathroom drawer and took out the necessary medicines and took care of my black and blue torso . I could see my own ribs from the outside. My whole body hurt with each movement.

I still couldn't believe it .. my whole life turned upside down in the last 24 hours. From being abused and treated like a punching bag to maybe a less abusive household? Well my "biological" family seems like nice people. Even though Leonardo acted like a dick , I could kind of feel that he was maybe scared? Scared of being hurt I guess?

Anyway I got ready to get fresh . I went to the shower and turn it on . I still didn't know if I was allowed to use hot water so I just used cold water.

After cleaning myself up I wore my clothes ( one hoodie and a baggy jeans - one of the 2 pair of clothes I had . )and went downstairs. I was still figuring out my way in this gigantic house. Somehow I reached the kitchen . Out of habit I started cooking . Since this was a very big family consisting of very fit and bulky men ,I suppose they would need more food .

I looked at my phone and noticed the time was 5:30 . I started making the food. Kind of 1 hr later I finished it all . Since I didn't know what any of them like I made everything I pretty much know . With Emma and Charlie I had to cook everyday and was forced to do that . So I guess this has become a habit . After all they gave me such a good room and all and even though it has only been a few hrs I feel a good vibe from them . So,...

Suddenly I heard footsteps coming from the side of the stairs . I looked over and saw David , my oldest brother. He had a look in his eyes so intimidating, I admit I felt a bit scared . As soon as his eyes met mine , his expression turned so soft , filled with affection and care .

He tilted his head in confusion "What are you doing princess ?" He asked "u-uhm I made b-breakfast " I said lowly and a bit scared . Maybe I wasn't allowed to touch anything .

"You didn't have to do that , we have helpers here for that or we cook ourself but you didn't have to do that thhis early in the morning " he said softly

"Im sorry "I apologized" no need to apologise I said that because you had to take the effort when you yourself must have been tired . Its okay . And they all smell really wonderful sorella " "thank you "
Suddenly Matteo and Alexander entered sniffing around them "Woah what is that smell! , its soooo good" Matteo said

"Bambina did you made it all ?" Alexander asked me . I nodded. "You didn't have to do that but I appreciate the gesture "
'Thank you " i said in a low voice.

"Well then let's have breakfast " Mr Russo said , yeah I want to call him dad but I can't forget the last time I called someone dad .
A shiver ran through my spine as I remembered that horrific night

"Mm mmm" I hummed positively.

We all went towards the dining room i wanted to carry the dishes but the boys did not let me so I had to walk empty handed.

It was my first time in a long time has not not done any work much less be avoided from it. The way they takes care of me . I have never experienced something of that sort ... Ever... I fear if it's only a facade or is it all real...

"Ava , where are you lost? " Suddenly Mrs Russo's voice made me come back from my train of thoughts.

"Ah, what ?"" You seem to be lost baby , we were talking about changing your name to the the original one .

"Yeah , sure " not being much interested in the talk . I never liked this name to honest . It just never seemed to be mine and also because








Angry voices started ringing in my head.

So Tesoro , the Leonardo , Stephano and Matteo will take you shopping today , and don't hesitate to buy anything and everything. Mr Russo said

"But I don't really need anything , I have everything I need with me "

Princess i saw the bag you brought here . I doubt It has hardly anything you need

"But- " "No Buts baby " Alex chimed in .
I dare not protest anymore after my twin(Alex who look like Ava) said so . And also who knows what they will do if I don't do as they say. Can't take any risks.

"The food today tastes different
Who made it?. Its so good  "

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