1-The Aptitude Test

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All the factions get into their lines as we wait outside to do our tests. The tests are supposed to be taken at 16 but though I'm 15, I turn 16 in a few days.

Something that you don't know about me is that I'm deaf in my left ear. I got really sick as a baby, got an infection in that ear, and now I can no longer hear in that ear. Toby would always worry about it and defend me when the other kids made fun of for it.

I stand in front of my twin brother, Tom Price. We may be twins but we look nothing a like.

"So, all the food that we're not getting, you guys are giving away to the Factionless?"

Some dude from Candor asks Abnegation. They nod and he starts going on about they we're liars, blah blah blah. What an idiot. 

"Are all of you Stiffs deaf or something?" He shoves him a little. I step forward but Tom holds me back.

"Rosalind," he gives me a stern look and I give one back,
We're joined by Beatrice and Caleb Prior,
"Tris!" I exclaim as I pull her into my hug.

That's my nickname for her, we've become friends this last year. Both our dads are part of the council, with Marcus. I've told her all about my friendship with Toby and how I want to join Dauntless to find him. But I didn't mention about the beatings.

"Rose I don't understand how you're so relaxed," Tris lets out with a nervous laugh.
I smile back at her, "I'm terrified, I just happen to be a great actress," I nudge my shoulders with her's.

Soon Dauntless appears from jumping out of a train.
Soon a woman is explaining the test to us and before I know it I enter a room to start my test.
I turn my head to the left and see my reflection, I quickly look away, "What is it with you Abnegation and mirrors?"

A woman dressed in black, must be Dauntless, asks me as I step forward, "We reject vanity, though I personally believe we should enjoy our appearance once in a while," I respond.

She hums and looks at me weirdly, "Sit down." I do as she says  as she continues speaking,

"I'm Tori, I'll be administering your test. You'll be offered a series of choices to test your aptitude for each faction until you get one result."

Ok, that sounds easy enough.
"Don't worry too much, ninety five percent get the same faction that they're from." She hands me a small glass of blue liquid.
"What is it?"
"Bottoms up," with that I swallow the mysterious liquid.
I feel my eyes close for a moment and when I open them I'm alone in the room.

The room is completely empty, now full of mirrors.
"Choose," a voice whispered. Two small podiums appear, one holds a knife while the other holds a piece of raw meat.

Both could possibly save me depending on the situation. If someone comes at me I can kill them with the knife but if an animal is coming my way I can use the meat.

"Choose," the voice whispered again.
Tell me what's it for.
"What will I do with them?"
I ask but there's no reply. A second later the both the meat and knife disappear.

Growling is heard in the room. I turn and see a dog. He looks pretty angry. Before anything happens, I realize something:

"This is a simulation, none of this is real."
I fall onto my knees and the dog turns into a puppy.
"Puppy!" I look up and see a little girl.
I look back towards the puppy but he turned back into a dog.
The girl starts running away as the dog starts chasing after the her.

I quickly get up and start running after the dog. I catch up to him and tackle him to the floor but we fall through it.

I wake up with a gasp,"Get up," Tori quickly helps me up.
She looks panicked, scared, "We're leaving through the back door before my supervisor comes in."

She walks me to the back of the room where a door was at. But she still hasn't told me my result,
"You're going to tell your family that the serum made you sick and I sent you home."

"No, but what was my result?" I ask finally.
She faces me, still with a scared expression,
"Abnegation" Abnegation? How?

"And Erudite. And Dauntless."
"Your results were inconclusive." What?
"That makes no sense, that's impossible."
"No, not impossible," she shakes her head,
"It's just extremely rare. They call it Divergent."

I stare wide eyed at her. Divergent? I have so many questions.
"You can't tell anyone about this. Not even your parents. As far as the world is concerned, your result is Abnegation."

"But the test is supposed to tell us what to choose, what to do. We're supposed to trust the test."
"The test didn't work on you," she says sternly.
"You have to trust yourself."

That's the last thing she tells me before I'm out of the room.
Back at home I was cleaning the dishes after a silent family dinner. Well, silent on my part. I told them what Tori told me to say and I told them that I still felt sick.

"What happened?"
I turn to Tom who stood next to me,"What do you mean?"
"I'm your twin, Rosalind. You don't think I know when you're lying, or so called 'acting'."

"I got sick, leave it be or I might throw up on you," I gag and bend over.
"Ew gross, fine. I'll leave it be, for now."
I smile as I go back to the dishes.
My room and Tom's are right across from each other.
We both go to enter our rooms but before we do he says,

"Rosalind, tomorrow when we choose. You have to think of the family."
It's now that it finally dawns on me that I'm leaving. I'm leaving my parents, possibly Tris, and Tom. My twin, who I never left his side for as long as I can remember.

Tears brim my eyes as I nod, "But you also have to think of yourself."
I turn to face him and quickly pull him into a hug,
"I love you, ok?"
"I know, I love you too."

Rose- Tobias EatonWhere stories live. Discover now