Just Freaking Talk To Me

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Prodigy's P.O.V

I've done everything I've called, texted,sent letters, and even went over her house, why won't she just freaking talk to me, this girl has me on my knees begging and writing songs about her, she talks to the guys and everyone else but she doesn't even look at me, I am more than in love with this girl and she treats me like this

Calls Yn

"Hey baby"i say with tears but happy that she even answered.

"Prod please stop calling look I'm going to forgive you at one point of time but now isn't that time" Yn says.

"But baby you don't know how heart broken I am just please" I say hoping she would change her mind.

"Bye Prod"she says then sighs.

"Bye baby I still love you"I say

"I-I-I l-l-love you t-t-too"she said with studders.

She doesnt love me anymore...............

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