better (hurt/comfort) - remus lupin

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for this request: I was wondering if you'd be willing to write Remus x Fem!Reader who just had surgery of some sort? Preferably some hurt/comfort and fluff, where R is in pain and Remus is sweet about it?

Remus rolls over on the bed, feeling around for you until he finds your hand. He takes your fingers in his, lacing them together before giving a soft squeeze.

"Hey sweetheart," his words are soft and stringed together, as though dipped in honey. Your eyes are wide open as you look at him, the soft moonlight from the window casting shadows across your face. "Hi."

"Still can't sleep?" he murmurs, rubbing his thumb over your knuckles gently. His heart aches as he eyes you, curled up in a foetal position with your arms wrapped around your knees. You've pressed yourself so tightly together Remus thinks you might squeeze yourself half to death.

"No," you mumble, trying to keep the hurt out of your voice for his sake. But he can see the slight contortion in your features, and he knows the pain is bothering you.

You'd just gotten surgery for your endometriosis a few days ago, after much convincing from your boyfriend. The pain had been bothering you for months before the surgery and he was convinced that you would feel a lot better once you faced the music. However, these past few days post-surgery weren't proving to be any better, and he'd often find you in tears from how much everything hurt.

Remus hated that he couldn't do anything to just take all your pain away and make it alright. But like all good things, it had to get worse before it got better.

He reaches a hand out, cupping your face in the basin of his palm as he silently thumbs your cheek. You relax into his touch, and let your eyes flutter closed.

"Rem," you whisper.

"Yeah, dove?"

"It really hurts."

Remus doesn't miss the crack in your voice, and he feels like his heart is being cleaved in two. A pitiful sound comes from the back of his throat as he extends his other hand to stroke comfortingly at your hairline. "I know, baby. I'm sorry."

At his sympathy, you curl in on yourself even further as though pained. Hot tears dribble down your cheeks and curve the bridge of your nose, Remus moving his thumb to swipe at them, softening as your eyes flutter shut. You whimper, and it makes Remus hurt in all the worst ways.

"I'm so tired. And I just want to sleep, but I can't, and –" you choke pathetically on the lump in your throat. Remus shushes you, unable to stop himself from tugging you closer until your knees are squished between both of your chests. He rubs a hand up and down your spine in a way he hopes is comforting.

Leaning forward, he presses his lips to your hairline. "I'm so sorry, honey. But you're going to feel better in a few more days." He desperately wishes his kiss could convey all the comfort and love you needed right now.

Remus needles an arm between your knees and stomach, pressing the back of his hand to your abdomen. His fingers start to trace a circular motion, knuckles brushing against your stitches in the same way they've done countless times before. He feels the muscles underneath his hand relax slightly.

"But what if I don't feel better?" you warble. "What if I never sleep again?"

Remus could almost laugh at how loopy the meds made you if you didn't sound so pitiful. More tears wet your eyelashes, and he indulgently kisses them away before smoothing his fingers over your cheeks.

"Then I'll get you sleeping meds."

"Really?" you sniffle, and it's the most hopeful you've sounded that whole week. But you both know that Remus wasn't going to let you ruin your system with more medicines than necessary.

"No," he whispers bemusedly, almost guilty when he hears the earnest longing in your voice, "but what I can do for you right now is get you the heating pad."

You don't even look upset at his words, seemingly expecting the response. Your lip quivers as you draw it in between your teeth guiltily. "I don't want you to get up, though. You should be getting some rest. I bet you're exhausted, looking after me all night."

Remus presses a quick kiss to the tender spot beneath your eye as he pushes his elbows into the mattress, hoisting himself up straight. "I'm up, sweetheart." He pulls his hand away from your back, unable to stop the small smile that forms when you whine in protest.

He bends down to press another kiss to your forehead, and you feel the curve of his smile against your skin. "And I don't mind looking after you, alright? The only thing I'm worried about right now is you not getting enough rest."

You hum softly in response, and Remus resists the urge to cocoon you in blankets and hug all your pain away. Instead, he brushes strands of hair back from your face. "Try to sleep, please."

"After you get me the heating pad."

He hums indulgently, moving his hand to the nape of your neck. "You want anything else? Chocolate, or hot tea, maybe?"

"Chocolate would be nice," you admit.

"Then chocolate it is," he smiles as he stands up, rounding the bed.


"Yeah, dove?"

"Are you sure you can't get me sleeping pills?"

Remus huffs a laugh, flicking your forehead lovingly before leaving the room.

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