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The flames were reaching into the air as chatter, dancing, music and bonfire fights surrounded them all. 

Nick was talking to Newt with a jar of moonshine in her hand although it was basically full. 

“You've barely touched your moonshine, you staying sober tonight?” Newt asked, sipping on his jar. 

“Yeah, I thought I'd help out with the boys tonight.” She smiled looking around at the definitely drunk boys. 

“At least we know they’ll listen to you. They find you scary but they also respect you.” 

“I'm like the father of the Glade.” Nick smiled proudly. 

“Wouldn't you be the mother of the Glade?” He looked at her confused. 

“Nope thats you.” Nick smirked. 

“You sure you're not drunk?.” 

“Nope but why don't you get drunk? I'll take over for you and stay sober with Alby.” Nick offered. 

“I'll think about it.” Surprisingly Newt actually meant it. 

Whilst they were talking Alby walked over with the Greenie who had calmed down a lot and was now a smiling boy. 

“Greenie, you already know Nick but this is Newt.” Alby said in a surprisingly gentle tone. 

“Hey Greenie.” Newt greeted.

"Hi Newt.” The boy looked at the jar in Nick’s hand, “What's that?"

"Not for you mate." Alby shut him down. 

"Moonshine, it’s Gallys secret recipe ." Nick informed the boy, "Want a sip?" 

"Nick." Alby warned but she ignored him. 

Nick held the jar up to the boy's lips," Just a sip." She confirmed with Alby, Newt and the young boy.  

"Just a sip." The boy repeated.

As she lifted the glass up, he took a sip before spitting the rest of it to the side. His face turning in disgust . 

"That was disgusting!" 

“No more okay?” Alby put his hand on the boy's shoulder. 

“I swear I'm never drinking that again!” 

"You might like it when you're older." 

"Unlikely." The boy's face was still contorted in disgust, making her smirk.

"Have you eaten yet?” The boy shook his head, “Why don't you get some food from Frypan?”

The Greenie nodded, running off to Frypan who was giving out food whilst chatting with Clint and Jeff. All three boys had a jar in their hands and other jars were discarded around them. 

“I see what you did there.” Newt nudged her with his shoulder, “He needs to taste it so he won't ask for more right?” 

“He's just a curious kid.” Nick shrugged, taking another sip of her drink. 

Alby patted her on the shoulder, “That's why you're the smart one.” Then he slapped her round the back of the head. “And that's for giving a twelve year old alcohol.” 

She groaned, rubbing the back of her head and sending him a sarcastic smile, “Appreciate it.” 


Nick was sitting on a log near Gally’s fighting circle with Alby, they were watching the fights and talking to each other. 

Nick had fought in the fighting ring a few times, twice against Gally where she had won and lost. Once with Minho where she let him win because Ben was watching. Once against Ben where she won and once against Hank where she had won. 

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