After the pub thugs rescued Flynn from being hunged and getting him onto maximus the too raced to zels tower.
In his room zel soon sees sun patterns all around his room and suddenly realization hit him he was the lost prince of Corona and after looking around trying to find a way out of his room he soon hears zel let down your hair then suddenly his kidnapper puts him in chains and leads him to the secret exit but throws his hair out of the window so he quickly screamed for flynn to not enter as gothel has a dagger.
Zel was soon backhanded for warning Flynn and while gothel was distracted Flynn snuck inside and hits the woman with a frying pan then frees zel then cuts his blonde hair making it turn brown and lose its power afterwards both escaped the tower just as gothel screamed before turning to dust as the sundrops age reversing powers ended her life by returning her to her old age once more.
They return to the kingdom and zel is reunited with his parents zel is officially made a prince then a day later zel has all charges against flynn dropped because he reunited him with the royal family.
Tangled forever after
FanficMy own take on tangled where instead of a princess you get a prince with 70ft long blonde hair.