Leo's Wavering Faith

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In truth, Leonardo was all he wanted to be. An outstanding older brother, a great leader under his own guise, well earning of diligence, and happy. Genuinely happy. He and his siblings weren't normal, normalcy stemmed from being human; being far from, Leo always prayed out a different outcome. Whether that's because he's a big brother attempting to flip the world upside right for his little brothers, or of his own need for a seemingly seamless world, the lines long blurred. Being part of the human world, able to confidently go above ground from their home in the sewers, their refuge, it felt... different.

He felt different.

As a big brother, he usually doted on his little brothers- the youngest of the bunch more than the other two. He's willing to give the world to them, and as of current time, how he stands on top of a building ledge, he can see New York City for where it truly stands- it stands with his siblings.
He gave his all in beating their enemy, encouraging his brothers, and trusting his own shit lies, for this. His legs swing beneath him as he plants himself down on the ledge, gazing at the passing bodies and vehicles honking.

If anyone were to ask if he was courageous, outlandish in a way with his bravery, he's smirk and nod. Infront of his crush? He'd twiddle his fingers and try to act snazzy about it. Needless to say if anyone asked if he was who he was infront of his brothers, he'd gather his little brothers and give them the biggest hug.
Now, he is sitting alone; he needs not to filter it. He isn't brave. He was filling his own outlook on the situation with Super Duper Fly with fake truths, he did forget what he was fighting for. Was it to be part of the world above? For his brothers' sakes?

Was it to prove to their first human friend he can uphold his end of the deal? In the moments leading up to what could've been their final moments, with their shells being clammed on and cracked up like concrete, he fell into a haze. He couldn't recall shit. The reason he desperately wanted to be above ground was... what?

"Leo!" His eyes flutter, whipping his head around mindlessly until he lands on one of his brothers approaching him. Right. Ever since the fight, being accepted and going to school, he's kind of been stuck... in the haze. He grins, waving to his brother as his feet swing around to the other side. His immediate younger brother shoves his hands in his pockets. That was also something. They wore clothes now, expectedly too since they couldn't exactly go to school as normal, undressed, turtles.
People considered them among their side. Relatively, they were treated like beings- not exactly human, but treated not so entirely indifferently. Mostly. Not everyone enjoys the same boat rides as others.

"So, uh, whatcha doin' dude?" Leonardo awkwardly peers past the taller, itching at his nape as he catches their younger brothers playing some odd game of what looks like badminton. Close quarters away from the building ledges, but the roof was large. "Was wonderin' what you were up to, I guess. Not that I really care." "Yeah, nothing like that." "Nope." The younger exaggerates. Leo drops his arm as the taller took a seat next to him. Before Leo could inquire more, the red aesthetic turtle prods a finger into his forehead. "You've got wrinkles," "That's not-" "April don't look twice at people wit 'em." Leo almost staggered up to his feet.

Name dropping his crush over some stupid lines was incredulous. Leo tapped his foot before crouching. "I'm sure she doesn't do that, Raph." Raphael snorted. "Yeah, well I betcha she doesn't like procrastinators either but look at ya." Leo paused, glancing over to his brother.
All he's done is drop this and that about April- he knows all too well too much about her that she'd not care much about little things. Yet, just pestering him about someone, Leo only gradually got riled up. He'd been sitting on the ledge, away from his siblings for over twenty minutes.

Leo crosses his arms over his knees and dips his head. "What are you, bored?" "No, I'm Raph. Everyone's favorite turtle." He prides, teeth shining as he points to himself. Leo rolls his eyes; if Leo has a favorite brother, he'd be wise to stay monotone and not show it. Not have one at that.
If his younger self were to ask if Raph stayed his favorite brother, he'd just smile and nod. They have their scuffles here and there, but if he had another person to rely on the most, who can take it- not because he's strong and buffy, but because he is who he is. He, he hates to admit it mentally, envies Raph.

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