Day 1- First Day of School

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"If not for your father's infinite source of compassion and mercy, you would be naught but a remnant on our kingdom's crest. From the moment I first cradled you in my feeble arms I saw not the face of a crying babe, but a changeling staring on with eyes that held no soul, silent as a prowling beast. What you wield today may shine as bright as the stars in the heavens, but that deformity you bestow is simply the embers of hell. You are wicked, you are sin, you are not human, and you will never be my son."

Oji Vyntheus had been taught from the moment he could remember that he was a freak. One of the strange children of a phenomenon still unexplained to this day. On the 2nd of July, 20XX a comet hit near the town of Obihiro in Hokkaido, Japan. Children that were born within 9 months of the comet striking the earth were blessed with strange mutations and unimaginable powers that could not be explained by science. Oji was one of the few children, dubbed "Generation Abnormes" by the media, to be blessed with an "abnormality". Though, to his parents, his rarity made him a curse rather than a blessing.

      His abnormality granted him extreme psychic telekinesis, which would grow in strength the longer he stayed awake at a time. One of the more useful and powerful of the abnormalities granted by the comet, along with one of the least damaging to everyday life. Though that was not enough in his mother's eyes. Oji was monitored around the clock for the majority of his life to restrict his abnormality from growing stronger, never staying awake a minute past eight hours of waking. Even in the smallest of situations, using his abnormality was absolutely forbidden, being harshly punished for each and every use. Resulting in Oji keeping his abnormality a secret from the majority of people in his life, including his people. So to receive a letter in the mail inviting him to attend Hope's Peak because of his abnormality, was quite a shock to his system.

Fast forward half a year of dodging his mother's questioning, changing documents, and outright lying to get here- Oji had finally arrived at the most prestigious school in the world. Hope's Peak, a beacon of hope in the bleakness that was reality. Known for its fostering of talent throughout the world by seeking out exceptional youth and catering to their "Ultimate Talents", beginning as a single high school in Japan before expanding quickly to have multiple locations across the globe that accepted high school and college students. Though recently Hope's Peak had expanded even further, seeing this "Abnormal" generation and wanting to take advantage of the opportunity- 19 Generation Abnormes were formally invited to attend Hope's Peak. The first Hope's Peak class ever to not have a single talent program student.

Oji still felt nervous, never having met another abnormal person in his entire life, despite his deep fascination with the topic. It was both exhilarating and horrifying at the same time. His hands could barely keep still on the straps of his over-the-shoulder bag as he made his way through the front door. His heart raced as he strolled through the halls of excellent students from across the country. In his daily life, he was looked up to by the adoring public, having few peers that he felt truly equal too- only to now be surrounded on all sides by young adults that were of equal or higher excellence than him.

It all felt like a blur before he came to rest a gloved hand on the doorway to his future. Class 87B, also known by the online boards obsessing over Hope's Peak students as Class GA. An array of endless light in the Hope's Peak's beacon. This was no ordinary class of average people, this was a class that the world had never before seen, and this was Oji's first sight of them. He steeled his nerves, standing tall for the perfect first impression on his classmates. He gripped the handle tight and opened the door...

The first ever class of abnormals was already bustling. Students showing off their unique abilities to their new peers, friendships already being formed, memories being made. Oji felt a bit nervous to approach all these new people, especially when they had already formed mini-cliques and relationships he wasn't privy to. Deciding to tackle someone easier for his first school experience before moving on to larger groups later in the day. 18 students, all bundled up engaging in conversation... all except for one.

The Prince and the Printer- Arthur Long x Oji Vyntheus (ArtJi Ship)(DGA Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now