Day 1- After Class

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The first day of Hope's Peak academy year 20XX had officially ended. Students filed off to their dorm rooms or to other areas of campus, and Arthur had spent the majority of it in the Headmaster's office getting an earful about rules and "proper conduct". A whole lecture about how he "shouldn't be abusing his powers in order to harm others." Resulting in his deal with Hope's Peak being threatened along with jail time as well as him getting a special little set of cuffs permanently attached to his wrist. Well... cuffs wasn't exactly the right term, more like bracelets. He could separate his hands and move them, just these restrained him in a different way. Some kind of experimental technology that restricted him from using his powers outside of when it was allowed for class. A bit barbaric, yes, but who was going to question Hope's Peak's methods?

The second he got out of the Headmaster's office he tried to pry them off with anything he had on his person. Pencils snapped in half, scissors broke, and any kind of metal he used wouldn't even leave a scratch. Even trying to use paper clips and bobby pins to pick the lock did nothing. He was going to kill that little prick for this. Being annoying, calling him a clown, and then trying to threaten him? Their next interaction was going to be... interesting at least. But that was for later. Right now he was heading to his dorm just to kick back and ignore the world for now.

The Prince and the Printer- Arthur Long x Oji Vyntheus (ArtJi Ship)(DGA Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now