-|| Chapter Thirteen ||-

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Before dusk:

The ship crunched against the harbours deck, the six of them climbing down, Mingi fell behind with Yunho as they pushed their ways through the crowds of Oléa.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" San mumbled as he kept close to Hongjoong.

"It's all we can do and hope for. I fear there's something going on." Hongjoong replied as he watched people crowd around the Castles walls, staring and waving. He looked up.

He saw The Queen, her white dress flowery with blue and gold roses. Next to her was a prince. His blonde hair blew in the wind. A white crown. Where's Seongwha.

"I heard there was a special execution tonight." A voice rambled through the horde of people. "Two traitors apparently."

"Wonder who." Another mumbled. Hongjoong's eyes widened. He turned to the others and nodded. Yeosang and Jongho set off quickly, guns in hand. San stayed froze, his hands shaking.

"San. Be in the crowd. Make sure everything goes as plan." Hongjoong smiled, "Wooyoung's going to be okay."

"I darn hope so.." his eyes shifted to the crowd and he disappeared with them. Yunho and Mingi stumbling through towards the Captain. Mingi looked like he was in pain.

"You should go back to-.."

"I'm seeing this through. Their life's are at stake." He mumbled through pain. Yunho supporting him, "we'll go on the rooftops." And they were gone.

Hongjoong only had one thing to do, Find Seongwha. Save him.



He spun his head to meet the guards who gathered at the cell door, he knew what was coming. Death. But he waited for them to speak before he moved.

"It's time, Wooyoung." One said, as he entered the cell, reaching for his wrists. He didn't put up a fight. He was going to lose anyway. He felt a hand go towards his face and he stared at a cloth which covered his eyes. Great. "Let's go."

He stumbled with the guards toward the exit. Toward his death. His eyes watery and stinging under the dirty cloth which blinded him. He heard cheering, and booing. He wanted to wake up from this nightmare. Knowing he'd be safe. With San.

But he didn't, it wasn't a nightmare. It was real. The Pain in his head had sunken into fear, he reached some steps. He was pushed up them, only four or five steps. Another hand pulled onto him, the rest falling off. The executioner.

"Blindfold off or on?" He heard the gruff voice, warm and polite. Yet full of threat.

"Off. I'd prefer to see who watches me die." He answered, his voice wobbled and the man obliged. His eyes met with a roaring crowd and lanterns blinding him as he adjusted. The executioner grabs him by the arm hard and leads him to a rope. A noose.

He looked up at the Palace. On a small balcony he saw the Queen, Seongwha stood next to her with swollen eyes. Tears streaming down his face and His hands stuck with chains. Don't cry.

His eyes shifted to the crowd, they roared at the noose tightened around his neck. Fear toppled through him. And that's when he saw.


His eyes widened with shock and his head shook in denial as the executioner stepped back towards a lever. The crowd going silent. His thoughts was the only thing he heard. San. His voice was the only thing he heard.

"I will never leave you. Even if it means death."

"I need you."

He needs San.

A sudden bang echoed through the grounds. The executioner fell to the ground, almost pulling the lever on his way down. Wooyoung looked up, trying to find the source. There he saw on the rooftops, Yunho and Mingi. Guns aiming and smiles appearing. The crowd went wild, screaming and cowering. Fighting for cover as the ground evacuated.

"WOOYOUNG." San shouted through tears as he sprang up to the podium where he was. Climbing up the sides to avoid the guards who were to busy running to protect the Queen.

Wooyoung smiled weakly as he wrapped his arms around San.

"I thought I was going to lose you.. I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you. I promised I would. But I didn't-.." san spluttered as he cried into Wooyoung's shoulder.

"It's okay. I'm okay.." he responded as he brushed San's red hair gently. "Im still here."


He ran along the Palace floors, crouching and hiding from running guards, the plan must've worked. He looked through every room he could find until he reached stairs. Moonlight poking through and onto him.

He slowly made his way up the stairs, a dagger in hand. He looked around the balcony. At the very end he saw a Throne like chair, next to it. Seongwha. He tapped the ground gently and he spun his head.

Seongwha stared with wide eyes as he neared him. Hongjoong hand the danger firmly in his palm as he stopped behind the throne. Seongwha nodded as he looked up at the Queen.

"Fuck sake! Why isn't anyone going to kill them?" She argued standing up, "get up, your going." She grabbed hold of Seongwha's arm. Hongjoong raised his dagger to the Queens neck and..


The Queen fell to the ground. Motionless. Dead. Hongjoong pulled Seongwha as guard began chasing them. Some checking on the no longer living Queen. The plan fully worked.

They went down the stairs and through the corridors with the armoured men tailing them. Seongwha struggled to keep up as he fell a few times. Hongjoong led him outside and into the empty grounds where the others were.

San and Wooyoung rushed before them, Yeosang and Jongho quickly after them. They raced down towards the harbour. Guns firing at them as yelling echoed.


Mingi and Yunho pounced down from the rooftops ahead of them, Mingi falling to the cold ground and wincing as he pulled himself up. They reached the deck and their ship. Quickly jumping on.

Mingi reached for the side of the ship, he missed the banister and fell back down. Hitting his head hard and causing an agonising yell. He looked up, The guards closing in.

"Mingi! My hand quick!" Yunho barged back through and leaned over the banister. Mingi jumped up at it a few times. Struggling to keep a good enough grasp. This is it. His eyes full of panic.

A guard rammed into him as they crashed to the ground. Mingi threw his knife away as the guard punched him repeatedly. His mind fuzzy and spinning. He pulled away trying to reach for his knife again. He was pinned back down.

"MINGI!" A voice called. Yunho.

He felt a sharp stab through his chest. Blood seeping out, staining his tunic and onto the harbour floor. His eyes dazed as pain filled him, he clenched hold of it as the guard jumped off him. He looked up above him, he saw Yunho's figure. He smiled weakly as he gasped for air. Fighting to live.


His eyes shut. Unwilling to open once more. His heartbeat going still. His last thought was Yunho.


Yungi never has a good ending in my stories I'm sorry:(

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