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Noemi sucked air in through her teeth as she watched Lance Stroll run into the back of Daniel's car during the Chinese Grand Prix. Something that would've never happened if her team had decided to keep her in instead of testing Lance.
You would think with the safety car out Stroll would have been paying more attention to his surroundings, but clearly not, as his onboard showed him looking in the complete opposite direction than what was going on in front of him as he hit Daniel.
Noemi ran a hand over her face as she sat down in a stool watching the car's data and race from a monitor in the Aston Martin garage, "Cazzo." She cursed not noticing the broadcast camera had picked up on it. Taking a deep breath she was trying to calm the dread of seeing what damage Stroll did to her car. Not to mention having to deal with a pissed off Daniel later tonight.
As her principal walked over to see the data from the car Noemi shot him a "I knew this was a bad idea" look. He gave her an apologetic look in return.

Noemi winced as the car was rolled into the garage, the front wing split in half, the left tyre suspension gone. She rubbed her temples as if looking at is was too painful.

"What the fuck was your problem mate?" Noemi asked Lance as he walked in.

"I had no where to go." Lance said flatly.

"You were supposed to break." Noemi said explaining as if he was a kindergartener.

Lance rolled his eyes and walked out of the garage. Leaving Noemi more than pissed looking at her disheveled car in front of her, running her hands through her hair to try and calm herself.

Noemi rolled out her neck as she walked from her garage to the main press area, running into Daniel on her way.

"Hey." She said gently knowing he'd be beyond angry in the moment.

"He blamed me." Daniel said laughing almost because he was so angry, "He blamed me." Daniel repeated.

"He doesn't take accountability for anything." She said, "Told my principal that the brakes failed only for them to run a test saying the brakes were fine."

"I'll see you tonight." Daniel said flatly. The lack of emotion in just usually energetic voice shocked Noemi. He flashed her a forced smile before walking away.


"What's your opinion on the collision between Stroll and Ricciardo?" a reporter asked Noemi.

"Um, I think it was obvious Stroll wasn't paying attention if you watch the on board." She paused, "There's considerable damage to my car and Daniel's as well which is very unfortunate." She said.

"Do you think your team will be confident in keeping you on the track and not Lance after this?" Another asked.

"Yes." She said straight up with no further explanation, walking away.

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