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"Melbourne is quite beautiful." Noemi said smiling over at Daniel sitting next to her. They were enjoying breakfast together at a small coffee shop with outdoor seating. The weather was beautiful, the hot Australian summer was coming to an end and fall was starting to begin. The sun was out and shining down on the two, the tingling sensation on their skin from the sun occasionally paused by a cool wind. It was perfect.

"Wait til you see Perth." Daniel leaned back in his chair taking a sip of his coffee and basking in the sunlight, his tan Australian skin was extremely prominent in this moment. The words registered in Noemi's mind.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"When we're done racing this weekend, I'm spending the rest of the week at home, and I want you to spend a few days with me."

"I don't know Daniel," Noemi stuttered, "Am I going to have to meet your family?"

"No, no. Only if you want to of course."

"I mean I do, but I feel like this is a bit early don't you?" Noemi sighed and rubbed her eye, still slightly tired from rising early.

"You're right." Daniel paused and his smile faded, "Noemi?" He asked with a slight tone of sadness.


"What are we?" He looked over at her with confusion in his eyes.

"I don't know," Noemi looked down, she couldn't bear to look at Daniel's expression, somehow she saw hurt in his eyes.

"It's alright, we'll figure it out together my love." Daniel reached over and wrapped his arm around Noemi's shoulders, they were in fact going to figure this out together.

—- —- —- —-

"Wow! The Italian is flying down that straight look at her go!" The announcer exclaimed, "We've seen some amazing performance from the deep green rookie, and it appears that it's staying that way!"

—- —- —- —-

"Russell coming up behind on your right." Noemi heard through her radio.

"Fuck." She thought to herself.

"I see him." She responded over the radio.
"What is he doing? He's getting too close."

Before Noemi's mind could even figure out what was happening Russell hit her. It almost appeared purposeful. The force from the collision sent Noemi flying into the wall and left George flipped in the middle of the track.

—- —- —- —-

"What's happened?" Daniel asked the radio.

"Red flag, collision in sector 2 between Mirano and Russell."

His heart dropped, "Is everyone alright?"

"We're not sure, we're checking."

"Just tell me when you find out, please." Daniel was desperate to know whether or not Noemi was okay.

—- —- —- —-

Noemi's ear was ringing, she couldn't process what was happening anymore. Her seatbelt was stuck, she couldn't get out of the car. After struggling for a minute to release herself from the vehicle Noemi gave up.

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