Chapter 39: The Absolute Clash! Ultimate Vanish Blast and Glory Greatest Hammer!

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(Previously in Chapter 38)

Referee: 1st Battle!

*All bladers prepared their beys and launching position*

Rashad: *talks to his mind as he looks at free* Free De La Hoya he's also a Legendary Blader just like Valt Senpai so even Valt Senpai was stronger than Free...

*Rashad was start imagining about Free and they changed to background into canyon from America but the rock Free was standing is lifting up like an elevator*

Rashad: *starts to looks up as he looks at free while he still imagining and talks inside* He's still way above than anyone else including myself! *shakes his head as he snapped back* Anyways it's for Ilya i can't let her down!

Referee: Ready Set!

All: 3, 2, 1!!!

Free: Go SHOOT!!! *launch his bey*

Rashad: RAAAHHHH!!! *launch his bey on the same time*

*Fafnir and Raphael was launched on the stadium while Fafnir takes the center quick and also on normal spin while Raphael was circling around*

Rashad: *looks at his bey* Go Raphael! Greatest Dagger!

Free: *looks at rashad* Attacking is pointless... *looks at his bey* Vanish Spin!

*As Raphael went on Fafnir and starts clashing and barraging Fafnir many times while Fafnir was unfazed and absorbs those attack*

Rashad: *looks at his bey and he talks to his mind* Tch! this is not good!

Free: *looks at rashad then smiles* What's wrong Rashad is this your best?

*Raphael's halo starts to flap slowly and continues to circling around*

Rashad: *looks at his bey* Greatest Lord!

*Raphael's halo already goes up to increase the balance stability also counter attack and defense power as well*

Rashad: *looks at his bey* After it! Raphael!

*As Raphael rushes towards Fafnir and somehow Fafnir was already pushed by Raphael using those 2 sided contact point as soon Fafnir lands on the stadium after the push Fafnir goes tilting as the Kick Driver on the plate starts scraping to recover back on the center*

Rashad: It doesn't matter! i'm aiming for the burst! *looks at his bey* Keep it doing Raphael!

*Raphael kept clashing and attacking of Fafnir many times while Fafnir still recovers over and over again back to the center*

Free: *looks at his bey getting pummeled even it's still do the recover on the center and talks to his mind* No matter Fafnir kept recovering... those smash attacks is really dangerous. *unleashed his pure yellow aura and even with a bey as well and talks outside* RAAAHHHH!!! FAFNIR!!!

Rashad: *unleashed his red and white aura even with his bey too* RAAAHHHH!!! RAPHAEL!!!

*As both beys went close each other on the middle*

Raphael: *looks at his bey* Greatest Breaker!!!

Free: *looks at his bey too* Vanish Claw!!!

*Fafnir and Raphael are havimg clash and grind to make their energy starts to burst*

Rashad: *looks at the energy from the stadium* Blown them away! Raphael!

Free: *looks at the energy too* Endure it and stay steady! Fafnir!!!

*As Fafnir and Raphael kept clashing and grinding for 10 seconds both of these bey pushed and flew off the stadium also these 2 beys hits on the ground on the same time resulted an Over Finish*

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