Chapter 2

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Lucas Pov

Applejack:All right, explosive Pokemon aside what are things like in Fochun?

I went silent unsure how to explain everything that happened back home.

Lucas:I don't like to... talk about it...

Pinkie Pie, always bubbly and full of energy, frowned, her usual smile faltering.

Pinkie Pie:Aww! Why not?

I couldn't look at her. Instead, I stared down at my hands, the memories I'd tried so hard to bury clawing their way to the surface. The laughter of the kids in Fochun echoed in my ears, their taunts sharp and cutting. And then, the screams-my old Pokémon partner, crying out in pain. The sounds blended together into a haunting symphony that played on repeat in my mind.

Lucas:I have bad memories there.

I said, my voice trembling.

Lucas:Despite it being my home, they're memories I want to forget... forever.

The words hung heavy between us, and for a moment, the usually lively cafeteria seemed distant, the noise fading into the background. Applejack's expression softened, her green eyes filled with understanding. She then got up and sat next to me, placing a hand gently on my shoulder.

Applejack:Ah'm sorry, Lucas. I didn't mean to bring up somethin' painful.

I shook my head, trying to muster a small smile let it be fake or real.

Lucas:It's okay. You didn't know.

Pinkie Pie's frown deepened, and she leaned in closer, her voice uncharacteristically quiet.

Pinkie Pie:You know, sometimes talking about things helps. I mean, we're your friends now, right? We're here to listen.

I appreciated her kindness, but I wasn't ready-not yet.

Lucas:Thanks, Pinkie. Maybe... maybe one day.

Applejack:You know what? Pinkie and I could use some help setting up the fall formal do you maybe wanna help out?

Applejack's offer hung in the air, and for a moment, I wasn't sure how to respond. The idea of helping with the Fall Formal was a distraction, a way to keep my mind off the past. But it was also a chance to get to know these girls better-something I hadn't been able to do back in Fochun.

Lucas: Yeah... I think I'd like that.

Applejack smiled warmly, giving my shoulder a reassuring squeeze before standing up.

Applejack:Great! The Fall Formal is a big deal around here, so there's always lots to do.

Pinkie Pie's usual enthusiasm seemed to return in an instant, her frown replaced by a beaming smile.

Pinkie Pie:Yay! It'll be super fun! We can put up decorations, plan the music, and-oh! We should totally have a Pokémon-themed dance! What do you think, Lucas?

I chuckled softly, the idea of a Pokémon-themed dance sounding both amusing and terrifying.

Lucas:That... could be interesting.

Pinkie clapped her hands together, bouncing in her seat.

Pinkie Pie:I knew you'd love it! I'll start brainstorming ideas right away!

Applejack chuckled, shaking her head.

Applejack:Easy there, Pinkie. Let's focus on one thing at a time. We've got a lot of work to do before we start planning the party.

I felt a bit of the tension in my chest loosen as we all stood up, preparing to head to the gym where the preparations were taking place. Bakugo, who had come out of his Pokeball on his own, perked up at the mention of a party. He gave me a curious look, his tail flickering slightly.

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